
Re: Why did President Mahama cancel his book tour

Wed, 5 Dec 2012 Source: AlWaiz, Husseini Y Baba

Re: Why did President Mahama cancel his book tour just before the death of

President Mills?

Hello Christina Bonsu, you wanted to know why the President (the then

Vice-President) cancelled his book promotion tour in Atlanta and Seattle. This

was after he fulfilled the events in New York, Texas and Los Angeles in


Obviously, if the then Vice-President Mahama was unexpectedly called by

the State Protocol to wrap up and return home, due to the severity of the

late President’s condition and as Vice-President, it was duty bound on him to

cancel these events-which got to do with his personal memoir to attend to a

more pressing affairs of the nation. Especially, since the late President

was incapacitated. And it is out of courtesy for me and you to expect that

information release to the media for our consumption.

Christina, as a patriotic Ghanaian, I don’t think you would have expected

our President to continue with his book launching events, when he was

requested to come home and steers the affairs of the nation, because the country

could not be left ungovernable and he regarded the affairs of the nation

more important than the book launching ceremony, which is a personal


I hope you would be convinced and stop reading ‘meaning’ into actions

taken by the President in the interest of the nation. Of late, the President

has been subjected into various forms of attacks, left, right and center, by

the NPP cronies and surrogates both home and abroad, regarding his book.

They would misquote and misinform people about the implications of certain

narratives. The worse of it was what the NPP New York Director of

Communications wrote which I rebutted recently. It was entitled, “JOHN MAHAMA CAN

NEVER BE TRUSTED”. He accused the President of not utilizing the expertise of

local or Ghanaian publishers for his book, and thereby implied that the NDC

government does not want the Ghanaian Private sector to thrive.

The author of this article, Amponsah Spanash AKA Sabato exposed his sheer

ignorance and intellectual dishonesty-due to his reluctance to make in

depth research to set the record straight. I know it has shocked Mr. Spanash,

and many gurus of the NPP, who would never see anything good with our

President to read a sub-heading in my rejoinder to that article that, His

Excellency President Mahama hired the service of a Ghanaian publishing consultant,

Meri Nana Ama Danquah, who coincidentally, happened to be a direct niece

of Nana Akufo Addo. Indeed the world is a small place.

So Madam Christina, I do not know if you support NPP. But if you do, there

is nothing wrong with that. The most important thing is to observe issues

through the lens objectivity, and not to be as myopic as the NPP

communications team, who would try to blow things out of proportion, in order to

score cheap political points. After all their days of another humiliating and

shameful defeat are numbered, come this Friday, God willing!

Husseini Y. Baba AlWaiz, Press Secretary, NDC New York

Columnist: AlWaiz, Husseini Y Baba