
Rejoinder: Castle Boys Fight Over Cash

Fri, 12 Nov 2010 Source: Afro Ghana

9TH November, 2010.

Dear Sir,


The leadership of the Alliance for Responsible Opposition (AFRO) notes with

grave concern certain in-exactitudes that were published in the 8th November

2010 edition of the Daily Guide.

The paper in the referred to edition sought to create the impression that the

Alliance for Responsible Opposition is a group which is being sponsored by the

presidency and national security. This was a cruel misrepresentation of the

group’s source of existence given the sacrifices that members have had to

provide to keep the group going.

The caption “CASTLE BOYS FIGHT OVER CASH” is not only a distortion and a

contortion of the reality on the ground but also sought to create the erroneous

impression that AFRO is funded by the National Security Coordinator, Lt Col

Larry Gbevlo Lartey (rtd). We will want to state unequivocally that AFRO has no

links with the National Security Coordinator or any National Democratic Congress

(NDC) “Chieftain” as maliciously carried by the Daily Guide, and would never

seek under any circumstances to establish any such links.

The caption indeed was a far cry from the dismissal letter issued by the

Leadership Committee of the Alliance for Responsible Opposition (AFRO) to Mr.

Benjamin Akyena Brantuo relieving him of his duties as Convener!

We wish to state emphatically here and now that AFRO is an inter-party political

pressure group which was painstakingly formed through the effort, energies and

intellect of young and courageous individuals of this country who come from

diverse ideological and political persuasions but mostly of the social

democratic tradition. We state here without fear of contradiction and for

confirmation by media organisations that have in the past covered our public

events that - AFRO has no patron – that AFRO was not formed at the instance of

all of the individuals and offices that have been waved about in the media.

We know how far we have come as a group and look back with some sense of

satisfaction and pride at how we have through collective efforts and

contributions been able to bring AFRO this far. AFRO will not be distracted by

spins meant to dampen its resolve and commitment to its chosen course.

AFRO will continue to strongly advocate and campaign for sanitized politics,

issue-based public discourse and responsible opposition. As youth we are well

convinced beyond doubt that the actions of the current generation will surely

impact on future generations and thus we will continue in the role that we have

chosen for ourselves to participate in the determination of the future of this

country. We will do this fearlessly and in spite of propagandist’s attempts to

derail our efforts.

We identify ourselves with the social democratic tradition and to the extent

that policies and programmes of the incumbent government which also lay claim to

social democracy contradict with this very philosophy Ghanaians can rest assured

that we will subject the NDC government to constructive critique.Critiques that

will serve as models for all civil society groupings including political parties

who wish to contribute their ideas through policy engagement and discussion of

alternatives for the development of our dear nation.

As we seek the broader issue of national development, AFRO is least interested

in the intra party disputes of political parties. Our wish is for an increased

strength and unity for all political parties. Internal strength and unity that

will enable them to better discuss and engage on policies of state. For

avoidance of doubt AFRO is not aligned to any intra party faction of any

political party. Our call is for the closing up of ranks in all political

parties and for promotion of intra party issue-based debates on the course of

direction for our country.

We wish to use this medium to thank our teeming members and supporters who in

diverse ways have contributed to the sustenance of the group to this date. We do

count on your continued support as we move in our collective into the future.

Long Live AFRO, Long Live the People of Ghana, Long Live Ghana.


Afro Ghana"



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Columnist: Afro Ghana