
Rejoinder: Criminal abortions shoot higher in Bosomtwe-Atwima-Kwanwoma

Sat, 2 Oct 2004 Source: Osei, Nana

Abortion (illegal) is most common among teenagers and the poor. Two major causes for illegal abortion are poverty & fear from being condemned by society. Notwithstanding the numerous ?reproductive educative programs? illegal abortion will STILL PREVAIL if attitude of society is not changed. Its long overdue to forgo some of the traditional, moral & cultural values to save lives. My inference from the article (see link below) is that hospital authorities believe ( charging huge fees will discourage illegal abortion. This is actually the other way round.

Do you think the risk group will not have sex because a hospital is increasing its charges for illegal abortion? Don?t you think the risk group will opt for all risks probable of terminating an unwanted pregnancy?

In the Netherlands where abortion is legal and covered by standard health insurance coverage, there are no fatalities or serious cases of abortion (illegal). Abortion figures are even lower and they help to monitor people practicing safe sex!

Even for residents without health insurance, there is a cash & carry system! The entire process is painless lasting not more than 15 minutes. Many people can continue their normal chores the same day. Contrary, some Africans and other Third World nationals in the Netherlands are still guarded by these cultural values prompting them to resort to illegal methods of terminating pregnancies.

The issue of legalizing abortion is controlled by political votes & strict moral values. The Vatican & big nations like United States are strong opponents of abortion. However the question remains if poorer countries like Ghana are saving more lives by making it illegal.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Osei, Nana