
Rejoinder: Kufuor on Scramble for His Seat

Thu, 7 Dec 2006 Source: Okyere Bonna

President Kufour in the General News of Friday, December 1, 2006 is quoted as saying “JOIN THE QUEUE THIS IS A CONSERVATIVE PARTY”

Speaking to regional party executives two weekends ago His Excellency, President Kufuor is also quoted as saying that the NPP has a tradition, which has served them well since the days of J B Danquah; that the NPP is a liberal but conservative party, where people serve their term, rendering selfless sacrifice to the party before deserving a leadership role. May I also ask: Is this not the one reason why Dr. J B Danquah (and the UGCC) lost to Dr. Kwame Nkrumah (and the CPP)? In the end Dr. J B Danquah never became president as a result of the same conservative reasoning.

Why should the youth remain in a long queue when the elders don’t seem to know what is going on around them; when the establishment is far removed from the plight of the masses? When did this slogan of “Join the queue” become the voice of the conservative party? Wake up the establishment! The growing body of concern in the party today must be

• Who can lead the party to victory in 2008?

• Who can bridge the gap between the disgruntled youth (foot soldiers) and the greedy and arrogant members of the party’s establishment?

• The growing body of concern in the party in choosing a presidential candidate for the party in 2008 must be execution and delivery of the major issues. These will include: tackling the lack of employment for the youth, improving education (math and science), proper healthcare for the masses, stopping the carnage on our roads etc.

May I seek the permission of his Excellency, to debunk this misconception of conservatism? His Excellency, I think you need to wake up before your party loses the next elections. Don’t be over confident that any old guy the NPP elect as flag bearer in 2008 will overcome at the national front. The delegates may take your “threat” and elect one from the establishment but the final say may come from us the people of Ghana.

Is there a more conservative party than the Republican party of the United States? Then why would they choose young Bush, then only in his 40s over Dole and the other old guys who had served the Republican party for decades? There are many more examples out there to add to this but this is not my contention today.

Perhaps, it is pertinent to caution the delegates that if they want to see their party (NPP) in office in 2008 and keep their portfolios they would have to elect a marketable candidate-one who is without blemish and full of ideas and vision.

When the party chairmanship became available, the NPP delegates listened and voted for progress and dynamism not conservatism and old age. Thus they saved the face of the NPP by voting Mac Manu for his ideas and vision. If the NPP delegates ignored the queue and voted wisely for Mac Manu the last time as chairman of the party who happened to be outside the establishment how can they do less in choosing their flag bearer? I know they will do it again come the Delegates Conference early next year and vote for the issues not seniority. Long live the NPP

According to the news President Kufour was reacting to the growing number of people who are putting themselves forward for the NPP’s presidential nomination in 2007.

If so far, 16 men have declared their intention to contest the NPP presidential flagbearership position; a year before the national delegate’s conference is expected to take place, I think this is good for the party if ONLY the party would turn this into a presidential debate to listen to why these many folks want to lead. And above all what solutions they have up their sleeves. Don’t shut them down in pretense to save the face of the establishment who may have nothing to offer the nation but only except their long membership to the party to win them the presidency. What happened to LEADERSHIP? Which textbook identified leadership with old age? I GUESS THE RULES HAVE CHANGED in the 21st century.

Let each one justify his or her candidacy. Let the debate begin!

Where is the party faithful? And if I may add, where is the Ghanaian press that would analyze speeches rather than mere reporting? By reading both volume 1 and volume 2 of “A New Agenda for Ghana” one would see what the establishment has done to deserve any re-election. Then again members of the establishment would have benefited in the next elections if they (would) also read it and reflect their past. At least for the first time.(For more information visit

Wouldn’t it have been more conservative if the president had alluded to performance rather than age? Or does the President wish to imply that old age goes with good management skills? Even in chieftaincy age is not a prerequisite of leadership. For instance Nana Akwasi Agyeman is far older than Otumfour Nana Osei Tutu II (Then Kwaku Duah) but he was chosen over his elders. Can Kufour comment on this? Similarly Adu Boahene was older than him (Kufour) why did he not concede to him if age matters?

Would not the president agree with me that there are many of these old folks who have been around for ages but have not made any impact on the economy to deserve the presidency, except for the monies they keep donating to the party?

Fortunately they have the money but they don’t know how to manage or lead a nation. Yet there are a few new entrants whose achievements speak volumes. I wish the President would have done us this favor by stressing ACTION as opposed to APPEARANCE.

I think the president has been too busy that he has not been following the current trend of global politics. The examples abound but I ma not going to cite any except for the recent pool in the American front as to the most likeable candidates today in the USA. These are not part of the establishment. I will leave the rest for the president’s advisors. The most important thing is; today the Ghanaian electorate is growing wiser and would not just settle for old faces; we want ANSWERS.

We are tired of sitting on wealth and yet being drawn into debt daily. Who would develop the Ghanaian human gold and endowed rich natural resources? These are the issues that matter today. Not CONSERVATISM linked with old age and party-hang-around.

Now I say let those who clamor for political power in 2008, be it the NDC or NPP give us answers to the plight of Ghana not more questions. The future leadership of the New Patriotic Party, the National Democratic Congress and all political parties must provide solutions not ceremonies and platitudes. This is what we call leadership in the 21st century. Away with recycling politicians who neither execute nor perform.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Okyere Bonna