
Religious Leaders: Pray for Peace for Dagbon and Ghana

Sun, 12 Oct 2008 Source: Natogmah Issahaku

As Dagbon remains the political ‘volcano’ of Ghanaian politics, ready to erupt at the least cusp of politics and chieftaincy, it is imperative that Imams and Clergymen in Dagbon begin intensified mass prayer sessions and vigils for peace in Dagbon and Ghana as a whole. In our society, spirituality has a prime place, and prayers can perform wonders for us, especially when we are in need and call on Allah/God. There is no doubt that extra prayers will help safeguard Dagbon from more carnage and self-destruction.

I solemnly appeal to all Imams of all mosques and Priests/Pastors of all churches across Dagbon: in villages, towns, and cities, and in the rest of the country, to intensify their prayers for peace during this critical elections period. All will agree with me that since independence, Ghana has never been on the brink of national chaos as it is today, and Dagbon especially, has never faced a gloomy future vis-à-vis his existence as an intact kingdom as now, as some people can wantonly murder and terrorize others at their prerogative without fear for the law, hence the call now for focused prayers for peace for Dagbon.

Dagbon and Ghana need prayers from our religious leaders more now than ever before. They should come to our aid with their spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and love to help avoid violence and anarchy in Dagbon, and Ghana for that matter. They should preach about peace, love for one another, unity, and brotherhood/sisterhood, as well as about the ravages and the evil side of war.

I urge all Moslems in Dagbon to continue with the exemplary way of life during this month of Ramadan into the subsequent months till the end of this year – 2008. The months following Ramadan are all special months for Moslems which culminate in the Hajj and Idhl Adha (Kabir) rites. So we should all continue to lead humble and sinless lives from now till the end of this calendar year and beyond.

Frequent voluntary fasting for peace by Moslems and Christians in Dagbon for the rest of this year can help avert violence. I will do my share of fasting for peace in Dagbon after the Ramadan, and hope that others will do the same.

Further, peace sermons should be organized frequently by all communities to preach about peace and tranquil co-existence in Dagbon and in other parts of the country. Such sermons could replace crowded political rallies in Dagbon, since crowded political rallies are potential sources of violence and destruction. Low-key political campaigns can be carried out in the various communities since rallies of huge crowds are likely to inflame renewed violence. By low-key campaigns I mean campaigns that would not attract large gatherings. For instance, campaigns could be organized at local household level, clan level, village level, or even quiet, peaceful door-to-door campaigning. The low-key campaign method will forestall the “Bawumia Syndrome” (political rally-related open gun-wielding and violence by supporters) that Dagbon witnessed during Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia’s campaign visit to Tamale which was the genesis of the Tamale violence and the subsequent domino effect in Kpatinga and Gushegu which claimed several innocent Dagomba lives.

My fellow Dagombas, fellow Ghanaians, our country is at the crossroads and it is time for us to exercise wisdom, tolerance, understanding, and to engage in intense prayers for peace.

Let us remind ourselves that a nation divided is a nation defeated, so let us be wise and live together in peace. Violence only causes destruction. Cowards and empty heads engage in violence; brave and intelligent minds engage in peace and dialogue. All should remember that the measure of a man’s bravery is not by the number of people he kills or terrorizes; rather it is by the number of lives he saves from being killed or terrorized.

Peace for Dagbon! Peace for Ghana!

Thank you.

By: Natogmah Issahaku

(Dagbon Peace, Re-unification and Development Advocate)

Hails from Jisonaayilli, Tamale

Columnist: Natogmah Issahaku