
Resist The Pettiness Of Partisanship For Unity

Wed, 28 Aug 2013 Source: Ansah-Yeboah, Amakye

Fellow Ghanaians,

The Spirit Of Our Common Purpose Towards Nation Building ourselves was what

inspired our leaders to commit themselves for our independence over 50

years ago. Since then we have experienced our fair share of setbacks for

over this half a century of our independence on the 6th March 1957. But our

generation has been presented with another opportunity to make a difference

which must be inspired with a different kind of spirit only invoked by our

common purpose to build our nation, blessed with immense natural and human

resources. We know our political parties, will continue to disagree on many

fronts; and none of them has all the solutions to our problems as a nation.

But the people expect them to be honest about the challenges of the nation.

At this critical time of our political history, it has become even the more

imperative, for our politicians to listen to each other, more so when they

disagree if we intend to prove to the people that indeed they are led by

the spirit of selflessness. The only way we can build our nation is to join

hand in unity, especially at a time when it becomes necessary for politics

to take the backseat, and the spirit of our common purpose in the driving


The victory associated with the change through which the 4th republic

constitution brought for our nation 20 years ago, was not the only change

we sought and settled for. But along this change, we were presented with

the opportunity to make that new order of freedom and justice to be

translated into progressive development and prosperity for the ordinary

people of Ghana. This cannot be possible, if we allowed the destruction of

everything we have built for the last 20 years to be hatched by a handful

of desperados. We can only thwart this, with a new spirit of commitment to

serve our nation, through patriotism, responsibility and unadulterated

sense of integrity. Let us commit ourselves, to this new spirit of

sacrifice, where each of us resolves to work harder towards of a new dawn

of our common purpose to build our nation.

Let us remind ourselves that if this 2012 election petition awaiting

judgement in the Supreme Court of Ghana in 3 days time thought us any

lesson at all, it is that we cannot allow anything to divide us. We should

resolve, as a society, to rise and fall as one nation and as one people.

Lets resist the temptation to fall back on the pettiness associated with

partisanship, which if allowed unchecked and get out of hand, will destroy

our unity as a people with a common purpose to build our nation. Sadly, the

evidence of this pettiness and what it can cause is all around us on our

African continent. Unfortunately, this immaturity has poisoned our politics

for 20 years now, and this is our time to put an end to it.

We should take this opportunity to heal back our division that has

obstructed our progress in more ways than one, into development and

economic prosperity for all our citizens. Partisanship has divided us with

a dangerous sense of enmity, but we are brothers and sisters who need to

focus on our common purpose to build our nation and make it prosperous for

all her citizens. Our passion for partisan politics may have strained our

unity, but we must not allow it to break our bond of affection for each

other as one people. We may not, and cannot belong to the same political

fraternity, but we need each other to make our common purpose to build our

nation a reality. There can be unity in diversity when we are guided by our

common purpose.

A new dawn of Ghanaian political leadership is in our hands. To those who

will selfishly plan evil for our nation, we will defeat you. To those who

believe and seek to protect our peace and security, we support you. Our

true strength for our unity comes from our ideals of democracy, freedom and

justice protected by our unyielding hope to making our democracy and the

rule of law and order function accordingly. How far we have come, gives us

hope for what we can achieve and will achieve in the years to come.

This election petition at the Supreme Court has many stories and will be

told for many generations to come. Let us ensure that they are positive

stories that will reveal this new dawn shaped by a people resolved with a

common purpose to unite and build our nation Ghana for a brighter tomorrow

for ourselves, our children and posterity beyond.

We have travelled a long way through the struggles and persevered with the

hope for a brighter future of liberty and a fairer society for all. It may

not be anywhere near being perfect, but where there is hope there is a

better tomorrow as we have made some progress against many odds through our

4th republic democratic dispensation since the early years. We have gone

through some dark periods in our political history, but we have come so far

and this is our time to keep the aspirations of our generation alive and

the hope of posterity preserved. We cannot fail ourselves and most

importantly our children.

Finally, I plead to my fellow Ghanaians and politicians in particular, to

search our hearts and minds, to reflect upon what progress we will hand

over to posterity when our independence is a century old in four and a half

decades into tomorrow’s future. This is our opportunity to answer that

calling; this is our time to open doors of opportunity for our people to

create wealth and a future for our children; this is our time to promote

the calls for peace and bring prosperity for all; this is our time to

ensure the basic truth that irrespective of our tribal differences and

political affiliations, we are one people, Ghanaian Citizens, as printed in

our passports. United, we must stand together to build our nation to create

wealth and prosperity for all the people irrespective of our political

differences and affiliations.

God bless the people of Ghana.

God bless Ghana.



Founding CED, Common Purpose Alliance Ghana, CPAG

Columnist: Ansah-Yeboah, Amakye