
Respect is a function of responsible leadership, archbishop

Mon, 24 Feb 2014 Source: Okofo-Dartey, Samuel

Frankly, Archbishop Duncan-Williams should spare some of us his observation that Ghanaians are losing respect for the elderly (See: Duncan-Williams: Ghanaians losing respect for the elderly, www. That which is needful is for him to tell his class of elders to act elderly by instructing or sermonising officialdom to apply themselves faithfully to sound economic management in the midst of the incessant abuse and misapplication of public funds through crass corruption.

What respect is there for an elder whose sense of judgement is clouded by the demands of his belly other than his conscience? Such an elder sacrifices posterity in the immediate time. That is why an elder cannot beat the side of a drum instead of the surface and expect the younger ones to nod in praise when, indeed, the reverberating rhythm emanating from the drum, unfortunately, dulls the atmosphere with discord.

I trust if some of our elders were to maintain their neutrality and avoid availing themselves to be bought cheaply on the political market, they will have the temerity to check the excesses of any political power, for which reason, every soul will be glad to hold them in high esteem.

In fact, those elders who have not tainted their reputation and conscience have their respect intact. Kofi Annan readily comes to mind. Though not perfect, he speaks and we yearn to hear him again. As for chiefs, this Ghanaian refrain may suffice: ‘don’t go there at all.’ If the DCE who popularised the ‘Tweaa’ cacophony had respected himself, the chiefs, dignitaries and the office he occupies, I should think that he would not have been ridiculed spitefully by a toddler.

Take it from me, it will be extremely difficult to respect a spiritual elder or any high profile leader who claims that it is only those who are of his class and pedigree who can criticise him. (See: Non-achievers not qualified to criticise me-Duncan-Williams, www. Is he not aware that criticism is to blind to social class? His mentor, Jesus Christ, suffered humiliation, ridicule, and scathing backlash before and on the cross. But what was His reaction?

Our elders will only be respected if they learn to respect themselves as they set good examples for the younger generation to emulate. Their pomposity and pageantry are not perfect substitutes for respect. Respect they say is earned not commanded. Instead of courting sympathy for the elderly to be respected, why can’t our sage elders tell the national leaders of the nation to stop or minimise the flight of our desperate, unemployed youth who are ready to voyage to hostile countries to eke out a living? No wonder cyber crime, prostitution, and armed robbery have become the preferred route for some youth to amassing wealth.

In most cases, it is these same sane elders who unjustifiably divorce their wives, chase and exploit our young damsels, when indeed, these damsels are ripe enough to be our wives and young enough to be their daughters. To some of these elders, job offer comes with a condition of sex before employment. Those who would not kowtow to their inordinate advances, though competent, are shown the exit.

Shamefully, some even in a bid to retain their jobs in spite of reaching their mandatory retirement age pay to forge their birth certificates just to stay a bit longer on their jobs. But they tell us the youth are the future leaders of this country. It is also no secret that in our tertiary institutions, sex for marks is no longer a sacred shrine.

Woe betides a male student if a morally and ethically bankrupt lecturer gets to know his student is snatching from him the same feeding trough they both delight in. Men who claim they represent God on earth, sexually abuse young girls and boys with impunity. In this regard, do we expect a lady or a gentleman who has suffered at the hands of these unscrupulous persons to respect the so called elders or leaders of our country?

Even in the house of God, the extremities and absurdities perpetrated by these church elders and reverend ministers are completely at variance with the teachings of the Holy Bible. They have so much sunk into the flesh. They envisage and pattern themselves as if they are Chief Executive Officers of secular establishments. They roar and we must cower in submission. Therefore, they are not ashamed to brag about their expensive perfumes, palatial mansions and flashy costumes. They dip their unholy hands into tithes and offerings without regard for the proper usage of these collections.

Now they ride in state-of-the-art SUVs at the expense of the poor members and evangelism, behave as if they are demigods, defile the sanctity of God’s commandments in the presence of their congregants through false doctrines and they turn around to blame their poor members for lacking faith and being lazy. What modicum of respect remains for an elder or a leader who has fattened himself with the best of the poor?

If our elders who are leaders crave for respect of which the Archbishop is no exception, then, they must not compromise the cry of their conscience. Their bellies and whims should not take pre-eminence over the general good of the populace. They must prune the branches when the need arises and not only pluck the leaves.

Otherwise, they may be treated as worthless rags in their own backyards as the youth relentlessly vent their spleen to drum into their heads the wave of disappointments and failures they have presided over. Ghana needs responsible elders to realign the crooked paths of those at the helm of affairs. For one reason or the other, if they feel insulted, then, they must rekindle their unadulterated first love or original calling.

SOURCE: okofo-dartey samuel


Columnist: Okofo-Dartey, Samuel