
Revelation of three unpalatable secrets about an Ashanti Queen

Fri, 6 May 2016 Source: Adofo, Rockson

I could not believe my ears when the following three secrets about a notorious queen in Ashanti region were revealed to me.

From the most reliable source where the revelations originated, I should take them for nothing, but the absolute truth. However, I will give the queen the benefit of the doubt by asking her to acknowledge or deny the veracity of the following three secrets.

Firstly, it is alleged that while in Toronto, Canada, she was arrested two times, taken to the police station and formally charged with SHOPLIFTING. As rich as her then late “husband” was, she still felt the disgraceful urge to go shoplifting. This could have taken place because of her insatiable quest for material possession.

Is this true, Nana Hemaa? Know that in this world, the truth will always out no matter how long it takes.

Secondly, she once asked her followers, funeral cortege of course, “Who can remove one of the sandals off the feet of my rival to be taken to me?” Whoever is able to do that, I shall give her GHC10, 000”, she said. This was during her husband’s funeral held in the husband’s hometown in the Eastern region.

It must be noted that the husband who was a medical practitioner in Toronto was married to a woman before he saw this later-to-become queen woman. This later-to-become queen lady being the younger wife, almost completely snatched him from the first wife, the typical loose behaviour of some Ghanaian husbands.

At the husband’s funeral, some traditional music was played by the queen’s hired people who accompanied her to the funeral from Ashanti region. In the course of the music, amid the usual traditional dancing and performances, the drummers and dancers went to where the queen’s rival was sitting, beating hard their drums in a manner and tempo that egged her to get off her seat to come and dance. This was in line with their secret plot to remove one of her pair of sandals from her feet.

As soon as the woman joined the dancers as tradition obliges, one of the queen’s men quickly removed a sandal from her foot. There was a large crowd so he could not be seen but the woman started screaming, saying repeatedly, “someone has removed one of my sandals from my feet”

Tried as they did, they could not find the person who secretly removed the woman’s sandal from her foot because of how massive the crowd gathered around the dancing area was. I am withholding the name of the person who did it for specific reasons. As we speak, the person is at bitter loggerheads with the queen. They are now the worst of enemies.

Whatever she needed the sandal for, as juju-minded and juju-fanatic as she has always been, it did not work. However, she took total possession of his late husband’s money and properties in Canada. Unfortunately, almost nothing went to the first wife who had children by him, the typical Ghanaian husband’s attitude towards their first wife whenever they have a second wife, those deemed to be well loved.

Upon all the money she got, she has almost spent all on useless juju; frequenting Benin Republic, Togo, India and almost any powerful fetish in Ghana that she hears of.

Finally, she is said to have lost her upper canine and incisor teeth. She is wearing partial dentures. According to the source, she keeps falling over every now and then because of her failure to fulfil a spiritual contract she entered into with a fetish. The fetish has been pushing her over every now and then hence the loss of her natural teeth as reported above.

I don’t think this explains better her frequent falling over even though, she does not suffer from any known or unknown seizure. Could it not be her snorting of the “white stuff” and inordinate consumption of alcohol that is causing her to fall when she gets tipsy?

Whoever the queen is, she knows herself and she had better answer these allegations which to me could be true because they come from her inner circle.

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson