
Sammy Awuku Puts The Credibility Of Justices .....

Thu, 29 Aug 2013 Source: Blankson, Nana Kow

Into Serious Question

By Nana Kow Blankson

August 26, 2013

Sammy Awuku, a deputy NPP Communications Director, does not only know that 8 of the Supreme Court (SC) Justices are in favour of the NPP cause and will therefore vote for Nana Akufo-Addo during the final determination of the election petition case slated for Thursday August 29, 2013, but he also knows them, to the extent that he dropped their names without blinking an eye.

Sammy Awuku dropped the names of Justices Akoto Bamfo, Baffoe Bonnie, Dotse, Adeniyira, Julius Ansah, Gbadegbe and Anim Yeboah and Gbadegbe like water coming from a jar, who also labelled these justices as in favour of the NPP petition case before them.

“But it is true that among the nine judges, we also have at least quite a good number who are favourable to our cause and that is the only thing that has restrained us.”

Sammy Awuku then went ahead and chided the Presiding Judge, William Atuguba and exposed him to public ridicule. “Because if you will realize the attack has not been on the nine judges. It has been targeted at a particular individual. (interruption from a male voice…”Atuguba”.

“Let’s be very fair but because he doesn’t want to go down alone he finds a way of extending it to all his colleagues. But the target among the nine judges has never been Akoto Bamfo or Baffoe Bonnie or Dotse or Adeniyira or Julius Ansah or Gbadegbe or Anim Yeboah or Gbadegbe. It’s been targeted…. Because if you have a president of a panel and it even 8-1, and you are the one dissenting, Jesus Christ, 8-1, and the president of the panel and when you see embarrassment starring you in the face you say Atuguba JJC dissenting on jurisdiction grounds.”

“But when the others dissent you don’t mention the reasons why they dissented. But someway somehow it’s been a painful seven months but surely it is going to come to a close at the end of this month maximum the first two weeks of August.”

Sammy Awuku, then went on to say that things are looking good and that he was happy that Nana Yaw told him that it is a much secured meeting they were having.

These explosive comments by Sammy Awuku, seriously puts the credibility of all the nine justices of the SC into serious question. But the justices most affected are the ones Sammy Awuku boldly stated that they were in favour of the NPP’s SC petition case before them. Awuku has dented the credibility of each of them. That perhaps the nine justices especially the 8 will determine the petition case not on merit but on political affiliation.

What do you think will happen if as stated by Sammy Awuku, the 8 aforementioned Justices vote on Thursday to declare Nana Akufo-Addo the winner of the 2012 Presidential Election? There is no way NDC supporters will go with the outcome since they will see the verdict as tainted. Why? Because of Sammy Awuku and his outrageous comments.

These comments which will no doubt send Sammy Awuku back to the SC, was made in the United Kingdom at an NPP meeting somewhere in July this year. It is believed that he made those comments just after he was let go with a warning by the justices after making some disparaging comments about the SC which prompted his summoning before the SC.

Indeed, Awuku comments have put a big dent on the justices of the SC as they prepare to deliver their verdict on the case.

Columnist: Blankson, Nana Kow