
"Sankofa" Union Government, as it is Best for Ghana.

Wed, 24 Sep 2008 Source: Adofo, Rockson

UniGov, the acronym for Union Government as once proposed though rejected at referendum, by the late General I.K. Acheampong during his Supreme Military Council (SMC I) government in the 1970s, seems to hold the key to Ghana's political, social and economic advancement. It is certain to bring about peace, continuous political and economic stability to the nation, and democratic treatment to the citizens.

Democracy with its multiplication of political parties as is being experimented in Ghana and other parts of Africa may not be the right system of governance for those countries taking after it. The Ghanaian mindset is so entrenched in egotism to adversely affect the would-be benefits of multi-party system of governance. With the current multi-party system of government in place, the ruling government and the opposition party are always seen to engage in what is the "cat and mouse" fight. The party in power wants to subdue the Opposition party, while the Opposition party is mischievously trying to bring down the ruling party. They always see themselves as perpetual enemies locked up in a deep-seated animosity towards one another. A lucid explanation for their boisterousness at each other is simply to evict the other and take their place. They aspire for such eminence in the hope of satisfying their selfish desires but not as a matter of public interest. Is such a situation healthy for the political, social and economic advancement of Ghana and Ghanaians? No. The onus is then on Ghanaians to prospect for a viable, non-violent, but progressive system of government able to unite all Ghanaians as ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION, WITH A COMMON DESTINY, the engine and motto of the SMC I government.

Ghana in particular and Africa in general, are rather retrogressing instead of at worst stagnating, let alone progressing, in their efforts towards the socio-politico-economic emancipation of the poverty stricken continent, which is though in the midst of plenty. This precarious state of affair has been possible partly as a result of the system of government in place in the countries. Inasmuch as we have political groupings of people inspired by different social and political ideologies aspiring for power through any foul or insidious means, Ghana's fullest economic resuscitation is in doldrums.

It is quite a bizarre situation impacting negatively on our economy where any uncompleted Development project initiated by a predecessor government is discontinued when voted out of power. The reason mostly assigned to such an act emanating from the typical Ghanaian-mindedness is to avoid the ousted party taking undue credit for any concomitant benefit from the said project. Is such action of any benefit to the State in the end? No. To ensure the continuity of economic and social progress once deemed to be in the right direction, regardless of whoever initiated them, there is the need to have the right system of government in place. And the only system competent enough to mitigate the Ghanaian evilness inhered in multi-party democracy is the "Unigov", the brainchild of the late-executed General Ignatius Kutu Acheampong of the SMC I government.

With the UniGov as I would have it, individuals are to contest in their Constituencies to be elected into Parliament as independent candidates without any political party base. This will scuttle the waywardness of parliamentarians, group of people etc, rallying together in show of support for the silliest things all in the name of party solidarity. A vivid example is the NDC with their psychopaths or avid sympathisers rallying in favour of the "agitation of free Tsastu Tsikata from incarceration now". This untoward attitude flies in the face of justice, and the clarion call of a battle trumpet as it is now, will never sound under a Union Government as envisaged. The erosion of the political base of the individuals will make them vulnerable thereby arousing consciousness of accountability in them as against under political parties where their colleagues rally support behind them however repulsive one's actions are. Writing into the country's Constitution that absurd clause of, "No accountability, and Indemnity" for an individual or a group of individuals as it is for Mr. Rawlings and his AFRC henchmen will never ever happen under UniGov. This clause has given especially Mr. Rawlings, the lopsided right to behave irresponsibly as he does with impunity.

A comprehensive programme of a longer duration of say, twenty to fifty years geared towards urban and rural development could be sustained under UniGov. The successive governments will find it much difficult altering what has been agreed on programme. With such a system, there will be less waste of resources in what is abandonment of uncompleted projects with less financial loss to the State. Furthermore, institutional corruption, embezzlement of funds and laxity in society as championed by our elected representatives in government may drastically be reduced.

In Ghana today, all the political parties are mudslinging each other. And each is as corrupt as the other. Each will be at the throat of the other if given the chance. Why this, one Doris Akosua Agyapomaah is said to have queried? None ever recognizes the worth of the other but keeps whipping up sentiments in case there will be political destabilization in the country to derail the prevalent peace.

Ghana will be better served with a UniGov type of government. As "absolute power corrupts, and corrupts absolutely", a purely dictatorial government is neither good nor a saliently multi-party government any better. A UniGov is the best bet as is said to have once been shouted out by one Nana Akua at an NDC rally. While the elected independent candidates become parliamentarians, our paramount chiefs and some distinguished citizens go into a Chamber like the British House of Lords to check on the excesses of the government and the Parliament. A Prime Minister can be chosen from the elected Members of Parliament to form the government.

So far, almost all of the Ghanaian politicians are very ungrateful. They are very selfish and full of greed. But be it known to them that their recompense is well expressed by the statement, "The other concomitant of ingratitude is hardheartedness"----South. Ghana needs to move forward with Union Government but not Coalition government as the NDC are desperately anticipating. With Unigov, "Ghana will be moving forward"

Rockson Adofo, London

UniGov, the acronym for Union Government as once proposed though rejected at referendum, by the late General I.K. Acheampong during his Supreme Military Council (SMC I) government in the 1970s, seems to hold the key to Ghana's political, social and economic advancement. It is certain to bring about peace, continuous political and economic stability to the nation, and democratic treatment to the citizens.

Democracy with its multiplication of political parties as is being experimented in Ghana and other parts of Africa may not be the right system of governance for those countries taking after it. The Ghanaian mindset is so entrenched in egotism to adversely affect the would-be benefits of multi-party system of governance. With the current multi-party system of government in place, the ruling government and the opposition party are always seen to engage in what is the "cat and mouse" fight. The party in power wants to subdue the Opposition party, while the Opposition party is mischievously trying to bring down the ruling party. They always see themselves as perpetual enemies locked up in a deep-seated animosity towards one another. A lucid explanation for their boisterousness at each other is simply to evict the other and take their place. They aspire for such eminence in the hope of satisfying their selfish desires but not as a matter of public interest. Is such a situation healthy for the political, social and economic advancement of Ghana and Ghanaians? No. The onus is then on Ghanaians to prospect for a viable, non-violent, but progressive system of government able to unite all Ghanaians as ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION, WITH A COMMON DESTINY, the engine and motto of the SMC I government.

Ghana in particular and Africa in general, are rather retrogressing instead of at worst stagnating, let alone progressing, in their efforts towards the socio-politico-economic emancipation of the poverty stricken continent, which is though in the midst of plenty. This precarious state of affair has been possible partly as a result of the system of government in place in the countries. Inasmuch as we have political groupings of people inspired by different social and political ideologies aspiring for power through any foul or insidious means, Ghana's fullest economic resuscitation is in doldrums.

It is quite a bizarre situation impacting negatively on our economy where any uncompleted Development project initiated by a predecessor government is discontinued when voted out of power. The reason mostly assigned to such an act emanating from the typical Ghanaian-mindedness is to avoid the ousted party taking undue credit for any concomitant benefit from the said project. Is such action of any benefit to the State in the end? No. To ensure the continuity of economic and social progress once deemed to be in the right direction, regardless of whoever initiated them, there is the need to have the right system of government in place. And the only system competent enough to mitigate the Ghanaian evilness inhered in multi-party democracy is the "Unigov", the brainchild of the late-executed General Ignatius Kutu Acheampong of the SMC I government.

With the UniGov as I would have it, individuals are to contest in their Constituencies to be elected into Parliament as independent candidates without any political party base. This will scuttle the waywardness of parliamentarians, group of people etc, rallying together in show of support for the silliest things all in the name of party solidarity. A vivid example is the NDC with their psychopaths or avid sympathisers rallying in favour of the "agitation of free Tsastu Tsikata from incarceration now". This untoward attitude flies in the face of justice, and the clarion call of a battle trumpet as it is now, will never sound under a Union Government as envisaged. The erosion of the political base of the individuals will make them vulnerable thereby arousing consciousness of accountability in them as against under political parties where their colleagues rally support behind them however repulsive one's actions are. Writing into the country's Constitution that absurd clause of, "No accountability, and Indemnity" for an individual or a group of individuals as it is for Mr. Rawlings and his AFRC henchmen will never ever happen under UniGov. This clause has given especially Mr. Rawlings, the lopsided right to behave irresponsibly as he does with impunity.

A comprehensive programme of a longer duration of say, twenty to fifty years geared towards urban and rural development could be sustained under UniGov. The successive governments will find it much difficult altering what has been agreed on programme. With such a system, there will be less waste of resources in what is abandonment of uncompleted projects with less financial loss to the State. Furthermore, institutional corruption, embezzlement of funds and laxity in society as championed by our elected representatives in government may drastically be reduced.

In Ghana today, all the political parties are mudslinging each other. And each is as corrupt as the other. Each will be at the throat of the other if given the chance. Why this, one Doris Akosua Agyapomaah is said to have queried? None ever recognizes the worth of the other but keeps whipping up sentiments in case there will be political destabilization in the country to derail the prevalent peace.

Ghana will be better served with a UniGov type of government. As "absolute power corrupts, and corrupts absolutely", a purely dictatorial government is neither good nor a saliently multi-party government any better. A UniGov is the best bet as is said to have once been shouted out by one Nana Akua at an NDC rally. While the elected independent candidates become parliamentarians, our paramount chiefs and some distinguished citizens go into a Chamber like the British House of Lords to check on the excesses of the government and the Parliament. A Prime Minister can be chosen from the elected Members of Parliament to form the government.

So far, almost all of the Ghanaian politicians are very ungrateful. They are very selfish and full of greed. But be it known to them that their recompense is well expressed by the statement, "The other concomitant of ingratitude is hardheartedness"----South. Ghana needs to move forward with Union Government but not Coalition government as the NDC are desperately anticipating. With Unigov, "Ghana will be moving forward"

Rockson Adofo, London

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson