
Stop your attempts to hijak my PC

Sun, 18 Oct 2009 Source: Musah, John

I recently(15th October, 2009) wrote a feature titled ‘The Nigeria Bashing of Ghana continues - this time on Big brother Africa 2009’.

In it, i basically sought to state an opinion on disparaging remarks made by one Nkenna, a Big Brother Africa 2009 housemate from Nigeria about Ghanaian women, the ‘jealousy’ and seeming ‘hate’ some Nigerians have for Ghana.

Ever since, i have been attacked and bombarded by over 730 suspected and 159 confirmed cases of email virus attacks. Some people have even attempted hijacking my laptop on numerous occasions. But for Gods grace and the very good anti-virus and spyware software i have, my laptop would have been crashed and made ‘useless’ as one email put it.

Neither i, nor any relative has ever or is benefiting from any ‘illegal’ government contract, engaged in 419 or stolen state funds to acquire wealth as is common in Ghana and Nigeria. I toiled very very hard for well over a year to buy my laptop so please allow me to enjoy it.

I only sought to express an opinion on that issue so there is no need for the cyber attacks. Let me say that i have received many messages of support and encouragement from readers that am grateful for. To those who disagree with what i wrote, you have the right to send in your rejoinders. You don’t have to attack my pc with viruses. That’s a very uncivilised way of doing things.

I call on national security(hahaaa, am not that important am i?) to help investigate, find and punish the source(s) of these cyber attacks on a hardworking and law abiding citizen of Ghana.

Once again, ‘leave me alone’ as Mimi will put it, to enjoy my pc same way am enjoying this Star beer a friend just bought me. I know Ghanaians and Nigerians both enjoy Star beer. By the way, any Nigerian to buy me pepper soup…?

SPIO my man, enjoy Ghana and please *don’t* stop ‘pissing in, out, centre and sideways’. We will soon reclaim our great party from TEAM B.

I know some people will try to link my being an NDC sympathiser to supposed ‘anti - Nigeria’ sentiments within the NDC. To such idiots, i shame you and say, this is purely a personal opinion.

John Musah

Columnist: Musah, John