
Second-hand Rolls-Royce car cannot be compared in any way to a brand-new Beetle car

Mahama And Bawumia John Dramani Mahama and Dr. Bawumia

Thu, 3 Oct 2024 Source: Kennedy Osei-Tutu

The statement from the vice President that Ghana does not want any second-hand President emanates from the popular saying in town concerning second-hand clothes and second-hand women i.e. those considered to have given birth to one or more children in their previous relationships.

I will therefore through this article disabuse and neutralize these popular sentiments which unfortunately the very respected Vice President of Ghana, Dr. Bawumia, is assigning currency to and problem solve its negative outcomes. It is my fervent hope that this article finally becomes that change sponsor in our society to make Ghana a better place to live in as it relates to this sociological ill.

This kind of political gimmick and propagandist statement resonates with the masses and it is attributable to their level of enlightenment. Their low level of education is what the Vice President is capitalizing on. But he knows that cannot sink in with the highly critical thinking segment of the population like some of us.

The doctor of economics Vice President Bawumia himself also did not just want to confuse the electorate but also believed in it as he failed to do deeper analytical and critical thinking work before making such a statement to apparently deflate President Mahama’s return to the Presidency. And whether he likes it or not, it will happen. So he better re-program and re-direct his mind.

There is no way, you can tell me to choose a brand-new Chinese or Bangladesh shirt over a second-hand Versace shirt. Or a brand-new mud house over a second-hand mansion. Or a brand-new Beetle car over a second-hand Rolls-Royce car. Similarly, you cannot tell me to choose a brand-new (virgin) illiterate, ill-cultured, ugly, dirty, smelling village girl as a spouse over a second-hand (born one and more) beautiful, highly educated, well-mannered, well-trained, God-fearing urban girl.

What many people like the Vice President always fail to acknowledge, is to factor in elements such as quality, durability, brand, pleasantness, problem-solving, symbolism, classiness/ sophistication, refinement, uniqueness, attractiveness, impactfulness, utility of service, adaptability, adjustability etc.

If I have a choice between a brand-new and a second-hand product of equal value then I will surely opt for the brand-new. But not just for the fact that one is simply brand-new over another.

Are you telling me I should not choose a second-hand pure leather Italian office shoe over a brand-new synthetic (a.k.a.synthe) Chinese shoe? Is that what V.P. Bawumia want Ghana to do? May GOD forbid! Is it about the benefits/value we will derive or mere fact of being brand new?

So really the debate should rather be located in the fact of benefits/value that one hopes to accrue.

In conducting a comparative study and in best judgement, Mahama is more of value and will benefit Ghana the more. Mahama truly epitomizes the saying of Aggrey that do not tell me the knowledge you have but rather show me what you can do. From this, we all know where Bawumia and Mahama lies on this standard of performance measurement or evaluation. For Bawumia that professes to be an economic Messiah by taunting his knowledge, he ended up rather becoming Ghana’s IT Messiah totally changing the subject of the equation when he was presented with the opportunity to show what he can do in economics, to could not walk the talk.

He aggravated matters in trying to find a cover and openly said he is simply a driver’s mate. Surely, there is no way to abuse the opportunity to choose between a driver’s mate and a competent highly trained professional driver to drive Ghana’s vehicle and decide to go for the driver’s mate. That will amount to the highest form of absurdity and psychotic thinking in the highest realm.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) till date still stands out as the only party that has the interest, goodwill, political will, social service delivery orientation, development drive, innovative governance and empathy feelings for the wellbeing of Ghana.

We all must support rather than destroy this great party that really defines what Ghana is all about and stands for.

The assault I suffered this past 13 years leading to my exile (2011 to 2024) of which I attributed it to NDC’s doing and accordingly chastised them for it and their leadership including Mahama himself was an error in judgement borne out of misunderstanding of all that was going on. I hereby use the same medium I use before, which was digital activism, to retract and apologize. I misconstrued their co-opting of me to join the NDC and the Nkrumahs grouping as mischievous, unknown to me they had a noble objective of using me as a national symbol to reconcile my maternal grandfather ex-Mansenhene and ex-Dormaa Krontihene (King Maker of Dormaa Kingdom) Nana Kwesi Ansu to Kwame Nkrumah as there is nobody else that through him or her this can be done.

My maternal grandfather’s other counterpart in opposition to Nkrumah, J. B. Danquah, has already been reconciled to Nkrumah through the current president Nana Akufo Addo and his also through his friendship with President Rawlings.

Despite my actual attacker's frantic attempt to stop me from knowing the truth, I now finally know the truth. And it has not only set me free from their oppression and assault but also strengthened me in this war. I now officially join the NDC! The actual causative agent is not NDC but a colleague Ghanaian in graduate school at Webster University in the Netherlands who are a Tiger Eye Militant Journalist staff and right-hand man of Anas Aremeyaw Anas and Dr. Joyce Aryee (a former minister in Rawlings’ PNDC military government and founder of Salt and Light Ministry at Abelenkpe and member of Vice President Bawumia’s campaign team). He is called Akwasi Osei-Nti but has now turned Dr. Akwasi Osei (not using Nti so to hid his identity), a lecturer in Migration Studies at Linnaeus University in Sweden.

He has now change career from journalism into Migration studies of Ghanaian migrants in the diaspora or international system. He is married to a Czech lady and unfortunately producing mulatto children thereby carrying and multiplying his wickedness genes and cognition. He has residence in Netherlands, Sweden, Czech and other European places. This gentleman was brought in by the BNI (Ghana’s central intelligence agency cum national security agency created by godfather President Rawlings) to come and keep me company in graduate school under the advice of the school’s authorities since I was the only Ghanaian there and was seen not to be social on campus.

Immediately he arrived, he began to envy me stating why our school, Webster University, an American University, have made me the face of the school’s website, giving me preferential treatments, mentioning my name “Kennedy” “Kennedy” “Kennedy” all over on campus as if I am the most intelligent person in the world, planning of giving me an international appointment at the Hague after graduation and planning of supporting me to become President of Ghana in future. He also added that I am privilege to be sharing the “Osei-Tutu” name of Ghana’s Ashanti Emperor by name Otumfuor Nana Osei-Tutu II.

He openly issued threats to my face on campus in the Netherlands to mastermind the total destruction of my life and ensure he exchanged my destiny and all that I aim to achieve in life, he would rather have it. I reported him to the school’s authorities who asked me to put it into writing so they can dismiss him but I declined saying to myself nobody’s life can be destroyed because of me. But true to his words and not seeing the good I did for him, he went on to implement his threats leading to total annihilation of my life and endangerment for 13 years now!

How did he do? For having access to a pre-existing information out there that I am born with Klinefelter Syndrome (KS) which is a sex chromosomal aberration that gives a feminist nature and had a gastro-intestinal infection caused by a protozoa parasite called Amoebiasis gotten from drinking a contaminated water, which one can unknowingly sexually infest a partner with during my national service days in 2005/2006 at Ahanta West District Assembly around Takoradi, he then decided to take advantage of that information and his Tiger Eye Journalism global and national machinery to lie with AI manufactured fake evidence that the KS is gay and the Amoebiasis is HIV/AIDS which he manufactured synthetic evidence by planting and using Kweku Baako Jnr’s sister-in-law’s daughter in Holland to act as my de-facto partner. He organized journalists in Amsterdam and Tiger Eye community members in Europe to assist him achieve this evil work.

This made the rest of Tiger Eye team especially the leadership of Anas, Kweku Baako Jnr and Ahmed to believe him and fully support him as well. As the entire Tiger Eye organization believed it, they too made the rest of Ghana to believe it especially the Police Force, Military, the President, Politicians, Media Houses and Journalists, my powerful aristocratic families of traditional rulers where there even existed internal family wars concerning chieftaincy disputes, my mother and national politics, my school friends, former work colleagues and the general public. This is what I termed “United Ghana”.

They with one accord then launch attack on me beginning in 2011 to totally destroy my life and kill me directly or make their attack kill me by itself overtime. This has been my story till this day of my writing of this article, 27th September 2024 in my exile base in Abuja, Nigeria. This Nti guy immediately arriving in Holland told me that now that he has arrived in Europe, he will do anything on this planet Earth whether good or evil to ensure he never returns to Ghana and Africa again after graduating.

Now that I have officially disclose the actual mastermind behind my assault which is not NDC, let me also use this medium to pay homage to former President Rawlings, the founder of the NDC Party and Ghana’s longest ruler who made me his godson and gave me the nickname “Kofi Rawlings” and frequently visited me at Staff Village Cortex of University of Ghana, Legon when I relocated to my father’s people there when a child after passing of my maternal grandfather Nana Kwesi Ansu.

Although Major Boagye Gyan and Kofi Baako (father of Kweku Baako Jnr and Nkrumah’s minister of national security) led Nkrumah forces to make him to confiscate all my inherited assets some of which he created Wamfie Rural Bank with it with support of grand cousin then Dormaa King, Osagyefo Nana Agyeman Badu I (Nkrumahs de-facto Vice President) as a way of economically and financially sanctioning my grandfather for causing the treason of masterminding and financing Nkrumah’s overthrow, he ensured I was not lacking anything.

He stationed his soldiers on me 24/7 to secure me and protect me as well against other internal family threats.

He usually came in the company of General Arnold Quainoo whose wife for being a staff of University of Ghana was offered a bungalow at our neighborhood as a cover for him.

At times too, he comes alone without any entourage and driving that his military van himself.

Let me point out here that Victor Owusu nicknamed “Ghana’s President That Never Was”, also made me his godson as he functioned as my maternal grandfather’s lawyer.

He made my grandfather’s Wamfie people to form a union with his hometown Ashanti-Agona people via the royal family there leading to my father, GODWIN Kwame Osei-Tutu emanating from that royal family.

My maternal grandfather the ex-Mansenhene and ex-Dormaa Krontihene (King Maker of Dormaa) introduced the idea for the formation of the U.P. political group (the mother party of the ruling N.P.P. in Ghana) and financier used to be a close friend of Nkrumah but was accused by the Nkrumahs groups of masterminding and financing his overthrown with later backing from American’s CIA.

I also want to pay homage to former President Mahama who is a fellow V-Mate of the all-male Commonwealth Hall of the University of Ghana, Legon and best friends with my cousin the Dormaa King Osagyefo Nana Agyeman Badu I. My regards also to these associates of mine in NDC:

1. Prof. Raymond Atuguba: Former Cabinet Secretary to former President Mahama and former professor at Harvard Law School and current dean of Ghana Law School. He was a good friend of mine in my early teens around 1993 to 1995 when he was a student at University Ghana, Legon and I at Staff Village Junior High School, Legon and we both actively participated in the evening fellowship organized by our Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

2. Hon. Fiifi Kwetey: NDC General Secretary who was then Deputy Minister for Finance who got the government of Ghana to nominate me according to the Netherlands government requirements and approve my application form for the Netherlands Fellowship Program (NFP), an international scholarship for master’s degree studies in the Netherlands.

3. Hon. Edward Omane Boamah: A fellow V-Mate, former minister of Communication and current director of IT at the NDC Headquarters at Asylum Down, Accra.

4. Hon. Haruna Iddrisu: Former leader of the NDC in Parliament, former minister and a fellow V-Mate.

5. Kwabena Agyei Jnr, son of Hon. Kwabena Agyei (former NDC Chairman): a close friend of mine back at Commonwealth Hall of residence of University of Ghana, Legon (V-Mate).

6. Hon. Aanaa Enin, the former Ambassador to Netherlands and his Personal Assistant (PA) during my time in Netherlands.

7. Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa: Former minister of Education, current Member of Parliament, colleague at secondary school (Presec-Legon) and at University of Ghana.

8. Lord Hammah: Leading member of NDC, colleague at secondary school (Presec-Legon) and at Commonwealth Hall of residence of University of Ghana (V-Mate).

It is high time Ghanaians especially our leadership in all social milieu have a rethink and ideational redirection that not all second-hand things are bad in itself but some are highly valuable of inestimable value. It is not merely a product or entity being second-hand that makes it non-beneficial but it is dependent on several other hidden factors of which I have brought to light. Another related concept is OLD is GOLD!

Surely by this analysis and humble submission, all can attest to the fact that second-hand President Mahama is far better than brand-new President Bawumia for it is not simply a question of whether something is merely brand-new or second-hand, instead what is the value or benefits to accrue.

By: Kennedy Osei-Tutu a.k.a. Kofi Rawlings (Birth Name: Nana Kofi Ansu-Gyeabour)


Doctor of Ideas by Practice & Knowledge Worker/Producer

In Exile in Abuja, Nigeria

World Record: Mansen People of Wamfie 1st Dormaa King @ age 1

Ph.D. In-View: 5 Admissions since 2012 applying.

M.A. International NGOs, Webster University, Netherlands, 2011

B.A. Psychology with Sociology, University of Ghana, Legon, 2004

Presec-Legon, Accra-Ghana, (Secondary School), 1998

Staff Village School, University of Ghana, Legon (Primary & Junior High), 1995


Columnist: Kennedy Osei-Tutu