
Shine your eyes Mr President

President Nana Addo4 Nana Addo

Wed, 12 Dec 2018 Source: Osuman Salisu

The President of the republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo should shine his eyes by listening to the people and also sit up in governing the country, some of his ministers and appointees are not willing to help him stire the affairs of this country, as they promise to serve, they are rather interested in making money whiles citizens are suffering with a lot of fuel prices increament day in day out, even sachet water(pure water) is being increased from 20peswers to 30 with so called Ghana is in a good direction with all the economical guru's claiming everything is in a good shape.

The domsor is back, in some parts of the country, Accra and Kumasi is the most affected areas, which is dragging all the economical activities backwards, thus one leg in four legs out, yet still government sizes keeps on increasing and other activities, such as Banks, schools, transportation, and daily activities still marking time. which the government claims they are resolving the issues forgotten that, the only have four years Mandate to stire the affairs of this country.

Moreover, Some parts of Accra needs good drinking water to sustain their lives,such places are, Nima, Ashiama etc.

Also, the President is more interested in travelling instead of excueting his four years mandate to lmplement good policies to boasts productivity rather waisting a lots of money paying some of the media houses to manipulate information to the well meaning Ghanaians by which the constitution makes it clear at article (21)ii)says everyone has the right of equal access to public services in his country and it continues by saying that the will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government :this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures,So we are reminding the President to take a critical look into what is happening in the country and try to work on that with immediate effect.

Therefore we are encouraging the president and his government to deliver their campaign promises before the citizens change their minds.

Written by Osuman Salisu .

Columnist: Osuman Salisu