
Shoddy work being done by Sissala East District Education Oversight Committee

Fri, 31 Jul 2015 Source: Ali, Prince Justice

In the spirit against corruption and injustice in the institutions located in Sissala Land, I put together this write-up, which focuses on issues at Sissala East District Education Service in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Some of us are passionate about education and development in our districts. Regrettably, some individuals currently controlling affairs are deeply engulfed in CORRUPT PRACTICES. These CATEGORY A CORRUPT persons are doing so not only because they are inward looking but also because they are capable of eliminating every rightfully thinking individual on their way.

I was nearly murdered by Mr Abu, who earlier proclaimed he would kill me for a reason best known to him. In the full glare and listening ears of trustworthy persons, evil-laded Abu confessed he really intended killing me. For what? It is quite unfortunate and highly pathetic that this unGodly act happened in the eyes of the Justice of Peace People. I hope My Dear Readers will be wondering why Abu wasn’t gaoled. That’s Sissala Land for us. Appreciably, I thank my God, friends, relatives and policemen at Tumu and myself for protecting and defending my life.

And now, some mishappenings in same Education office. Some educational pundits who spoke to me on condition of anonymity lamented bitterly why the ICT Coordinator, who is an employee of Sissala East Education Service, had a contract to supply the 2015 District Basic Education Certificate Education mock exams papers. What was extremely disgusting was that all the marking schemes were padded or heavenly loaded with errors; yet the Coordinator was duly paid. It thus remains unclear how the said Coordinator got the contract because he practically lacks knowledge in nearly all the teaching subjects and has none in educational assessment. Why won’t parents and students in the district brace themselves for more bad results this year?

Again it has been alleged that the same ICT Coordinator (the coordinator turned contractor) was given another contract to supply student bags sponsored by CAMFED to student girls. Allegedly, the contract specified a bag to cost GH¢ 100. However, the inferior nature of the by-fake bags supplied to the student girls suggests that each of them might cost less than GH¢ 20. Is this man an ICT Coordinator or contractor? If really he is a contractor, then he is in charge of the never-was contracts.

Some seasoned educationalists who spoke to me anonymously said that if the District Education Oversight Committee (DEOC) had actually taken clues on the child-education and had investigated the alleged corrupt practices, this CULPRIT would have now been in gaol. But who knows whether DEOC members are not the card-carrying members of Coordinator’s company that wins every supply contract from the Office. Again, who knows whether DEOC members are not part of Coordinator’s syndicate?

What happened to the RLG laptops issue reported in the article titled ''Massive corruption in Sissala East District Education Service'? It was this same Coordinator (sorry contractor) who orchestrated that deal in which computers became uncountable nouns. If the DEOC really cares about the child-education, why can't they cross-check and reconcile the number of computers supplied from the RLG Regional Office to the district with the number actually received? Most convincingly, 155 or 156 teachers never received laptops in Sissala East District. I implore DEOC to prove me right or wrong here.

In the most unlikely event that the laptops are up to this number, I doubt if the beneficiaries were all trained. In consequence, I pray the District Director of Education (DDE) to set the records straight by publishing the names of the beneficiaries as against those who were trained''.

Advocating sentimentally for development, Prince Justice Ali remains stronger than before. Being resilient, Prince Justice Ali is stimulated to act actively by acts of intimidations. And being at the service of Sissala Land, Prince Justice Ali reports unabatedly any happenings by any misfit in our districts. Having unlimited access to social media, Prince Justice Ali will continue to update you (the reading public) on all such nation-wrecking practices.

The author Mr. Prince Justice Ali Sentimentally Advocate for Development And Positive Change.

Cell: 0204803328.

Columnist: Ali, Prince Justice