
Six Reasons That Disqualifies President Mills As A Good Leader.

Wed, 22 Jun 2011 Source: Asare, Noah Dugubrame

H.E Prof. John Evans Attah Mills is a unique and a highly respectable person who

have chalked successes in different areas of his life but when it comes to leading a

nation and a party there he falls far below the pass mark. He has splendid giftings

and calling but among them, leadership cannot be one. At least leading a nation and

party like NDC is not one of the gifts God has gaven him. The law professor has

shown his failure in leadership in six different areas. The areas are; his

inability to unite his party and the nation, coward-like complaints, open admission

to people behind the scene that someone else is twisting his arms in how to run his

own government, His easy yield to pressure, the waving stand he exhibited on the

ivorian crises and finally where he looks when he confronted with glaring disturbing


In uniting the party and the nation, it is evident how divided the nation and the

party he leads has become just two and half years into office. When the turmoil

began in the NDC, the single person that had the ability to quench the fires when

they were still easy to control, is the President. He should have been the centre

of unification between his government and his party. Our president showed a total

failure in carrying out this duty and have left the party divided than ever before.

The needs of all the stake holders cannot be met in a governing party but to a large

extent the president could have made good compromises and arrange a meeting point

where all will have been calm enough to help the success and unification of the

party. Prof Mills just couldnt and we see the division in the NDC today. Again the

leadership of President Mills has divided Ghana than any other leader in this

current Republic. Immediately after the father for all

promises Ghana witnessed an embarassing holiganism that saw NDC loyalists molesting

people they perceived to be NPP members. Killings took place which the president

has refused to order any investigations into. People were chased out of their jobs

without any justification, ranging from Public workers through recruits at

Millitary camps to poor men that sat in front of KVIP toilets. Our President

looked on unconcerned even when his youth committed crimes in broad day light,

burning down properties including their own party offices, killing innocent people,

taking over toll boots and many more. None of all these has been investigated nor

any arrests made although complaints were made in most of the cases and our

president is just silent. The leadership quality that could have roared and put a

stop to these barbaric incidents failed to show up. Almost three years into office

Ghana is divided than ever before. The Leadership of President Mill did

not only fail to control this divisions created but helped to deepen the division

further with his last state of the nations address which saw the minority leader

refusing to escort him out. The firs of its kind in our History.

Some complaints made by the President to some important people showed clearly who

was scared of some personalities. This is not a quality which should be seen in a

sitting president. People should rather be scared of you because of your principles

and justice. But here we are with a peesident complaining to a King, Otumfour that

Former President Rawlings is terrorising me ("Rawlings o re hunahuna me"). These

were words quoted by the papers when our president met Otumfour to resolve the

issues between him and the former president. Immagine a whole sitting president,

with all the state security aparatus at your disposal complaing that someone is

terrorising you. This is certainly one of the worst leadership qualities. The

former president made public an allegation which our president has not come to deny.

The former president said that he sent someone to the president to have been put at

a position which the president accepted but before the fellow

got there somebody was already at the position. The said person reported back to

the former president and the later on receiving the report called the President

only to be told that; "prof o re hau me paa o". This again is a complain that

sounds fear to confront people who are stepping on his toes. This cannot be the

quality of a good leader.

When the President was said to be proving his critiques wrong by being a man of

himself and not taking commands from former president Rawlings, I was one of the

happy persons. All of us had this fear that he could be remote controlled by the

former president but unfortunately it has surfaced that he (pres Mills) is not a man

of himself after all. He (President Mills) openly declared that Dr Spio Gabrah was

the first minister he will appoint when he comes into office as the President of

Ghana, according to Dr Spio Gabrah which the president has not denied. Dr. Spio on

waiting for a while without any call said he confronted the President to remind him

of his promise and what our president told him was nothing far from what he told the

former President. "Spio its not me, I wanted to have given you the portfolio as I

said but there are some people who are preventing me". Here you see clearly that

our president is just a ceremonial one, when it comes to

appointing people of a government he is leading, he has no say. I need not remind

you that the power to apoint and fire ministers is solely in the hands of the

sittting president, but our president's hands has been twisted and that power

taken away from him hence Dr Spio Gabrah's declaration that the Ahwois are

terrorising the President. The president in this pronouncements from him has shown

a bad leadership quality that tells us that he is not in cotrol of his own


Sometimes it is good to have a leader who listens to his people and does what they

ask but when it becomes a daily affair it turns to be a bad quality which will makes

any leader unstable. When NDC foot sodiers agitations started on people perceived

to be loyalists of opposition I was very surprised that the Asomdwoehene could not

say a word to his youth. At a point the aggitations turned towards their own

leaders and I was astonished at how the president fired DCEs, MCEs and other

government appointees just because a handful of foot sodiers told the president of

their disapproval of people duely appointed by the President himself. He yielded to

those pressures and fired anyone at the request of the youth. If this is how a

leader should be yielding to presure how can he get a stable government? Good

leadership has the ability to soak pressure and find alternative solutions to these

kind of problems and not just doing whatever any angry youth will

organise themselve and caugh out. Just firing your appointees even when the

aggitations are baseless and the people you trusted and appointed are carrying out

the assignments you gave them.

During the ivorian crises a high profile meeting was organised in Abuja, Nigeria and

naturally our president was there. Ghana is one of the powerhouses when it comes to

issues of peace and conflict resolutions in West Afeica and Africa as a whole. In

this meeting all attendance agreed that Alhassan Outtara was the winner of he

elections. Laurent Gbagbo was therefore given two options to accept defeat and

allow a sooth transition or if all efforts fail a millitary intervention to oust him

out of power. Our president nodded and signed to show Accra's support to those

decisions. Some days down the line all the first options had been tried and Gbagbo

was being adamant so the last option they all agreed upon had to be considered. The

whole world was watching what ECOWAS and AU will do. Every attention was also on

Ghana because we are at strategic position regarding our proximity to Ivory Coast

and our contribution to any possible millitary force to

attack Gbagbo. Then our president who had agreed in the presence of the whole

world on this option turned his back on these African leaders and declared the

infamous "dzi wo fie asem". If the president had disagreed on the millitary option

in Abuja People womt have been worried but such a waving stand was ugly and

embarrasing. Here Pres Mills and of course Ghana gained the worst diplomatic

respect ever.

During the time Pres Mills was confronted with the issue of the 90 million cedi

campaign budget issue, the President showed a side of him that I never expect from a

leader. He said if he had that money he would have used it for some road projects

including the Offankor road where passes everyday going to and coming from office.

He said whenever he gets there he bows down his head because he does not want to see

the dilapidated road because he feels embarrased. Maybe the president thoigh by not

looking the bad road will fail to exist. Good leaders have the courage to both

look, evaluate and feel any circumstance. Good or bad. By bowing down it he

problem will not be solved but by looking and seeing the horror it urges you to take

the right measures. This might sound menial but its a great leadership quality to

look and feel the pain which then powers you up to take the appropriate steps. I

will here want to plead with to His Excelllency to raise

up his head and see the youth selling dog. Chains and make Senior High School

education free to compliment what the NPP did up to JSS level. To look and see the

number of people cholera is killing and take pragmatic measurea to clean Ghana of


If I were the president I would have resigned because his leadership has very little

to write home about.

Noah Dugubrame Asare

Frankfurt, Germany.

Columnist: Asare, Noah Dugubrame