
Six reasons why Esther became a Queen

Esther Bible File Photo

Wed, 23 Aug 2017 Source: Ebenezer Zor

Text: Esther 2:1-18

Esther was a Jewish heroine named in the story of Purim.

Her Hebrew name was 'Hadassah' meaning myrtle.

Esther's courage and trust in the Lord saved her people from being destroyed by their enemies.

One day, from the royal throne in Persia's capital city of Susa, King Xerses has to choose a new Queen.

The reason being that, Queen Vashti defiled the orders of the King when she was asked to come and grace a gathering.

According to their tradition, since it was wrong for a Queen to disrespect a King, King Xerxes dethroned Queen Vashti and chose a new Queen.

Lo and behold, Esther, who has been a slave together with her people was crowned the Queen.

6 reasons why Esther became a Queen.

1. God's divine favor located her.

2. Esther was not only beautiful but had a good character.

3. She was liked by Hegial( who was in charge of the harem in the palace)

4. Esther was down to earth

5. Esther respected Mordecai

6. In the presence of the crowd, she was also liked by King Xerxes.

Esther has to go through a lot of unpleasant situations.

At the end, God's glory was manifested.

There is nothing to hard for God to do.

God is not slow nor fast.

Just trust His timings.

He is still in control of the situation.



Dear God, let your divine favor locate me, my family and friends, Amen.


Indeed you are the omniscient God.

Columnist: Ebenezer Zor