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President Committee, Ahh!!"Ghanafuo Ato Aba Bonee"

Sat, 31 Oct 2009 Source: Sarpong, Justice

Sarpong, Justice

When Ghanaians went to the Polls to elect a President in December 2008, there were about eight individuals vying for the position of President but only two contestants actually had a chance of winning the coveted prize to become the next President, Nana Akuffo Addo of NPP and John Evans Atta Mills of NDC. What Ghanaians didn't realise at that time was that, of these individuals, one was just a proxy representing a guy named, "President Committee", and unfortunately this man got elected and now 'President Committee' is on the throne trying to find his footing about how to govern.

President Mills cannot make a decision without setting up a committee or consulting Bishop 'Kinky Afro Haired T.B Joshua or sending his BNI to Akatsi to consult the "TROKOSI" Priests there for directions and that is why the country seems to be on a standtill because it takes time for these committees to chew on a lot of "Chinchinga"(Volumnious papers) and drink a lot of tea before they get down to the nitty gritty of sorting things out. President Mills is acting like a vassal.

We have the Ministries for every facet of our lives with Ministers, sometimes with two deputies and a bevy of well qualified Technical People manning these Ministries and if they can't solve problems that fall into their respective sectors, then maybe we have to abolish the Ministries and set up permanent committees for every Ministry to deal with our problems.

Tell President Mills there is a problem and the first thing that pops up in his head is to set up a committe. How many committees has he set up since assuming office? This NDC administration headed by Mills is getting ridiculous with its inability to come up with any innovative ideas to tackle a modicum of our problems.

Ten months after assuming office, President Committee didnot import one gallon of petrol into the country and when the citizens started complaining about shortage and high cost of the commodity, President committee set up a committee to investigate why there is no petrol in the country despite a 24/7 prayers from Pastor Joshua and his warriors Prayers group. Now a ship is berthed at Tema with 997,000 barrells of oil but it is not unloading its cargo still waiting for President committee to come up with the money to pay for this oil since it was not secured with a loan facility.

A court in England named some of his officials in the Mabey and Johnson corruption scandal and instead of the President putting his size ten boots at the butts of these thieves, President Committee sent his Attorney General to LONDON to investigate, not knowing Mould Iddrisu, the third wife of a Polygamous NDC money man has no jurisdiction in England to do that job, so what did he do, set up a committee to investigate why these thieves accepted money in lieu of inferior bridges.

The Junior national team, the Satellites won a world cup and instead of this President rewarding them handsomely, he set up a committee of morons who immediately opened two Bank Accounts soliciting funds from Ghanaians to reward our young heroes. Nobody should contribute a dime to that Account because the money would end up in Sika Yankey and Baba Kamara's Bank Accounts.This is disgraceful. These lads 'died' a little for Ghana and instead of our Government saluting them for a job well done and rewarding them accordingly, it is soliciting funds from citizens to do that? Didn't MILLS promise to reward them handsomely? When he promised to reward them, was he banking on citizens contributions? What kind of a President is this who can't seize the bull by the horn and make decisions without a bunch of "Chinchinga" consuming morons making that decision for him?

President Committee, during the campaign promised to abrogate the GT sale to Vodafone if elected President but what did he do after becoming President? He set up a committee to investigate the sale of GT.. The committee finished its work more than two weeks ago and handed its findings to President Committee who is still musing what to do with the findings since it did not meet his preferred outcome.

A bunch of morons from BNI leaked classified information to the Public and instead of this Security Agency doing a normal investigation to flush the culprits out, they took six suspected Agents to Akatsi Trokosi camp to consult the Priest there to figure out which of these Agents leaked the information and this illiterate Priest subjected these men to inhumane and stupid Sorcerer's chantings that did not result to any answers they were seeking.. What did President Committee do? Your guess is as good as mine, set up a committee to investigate.

.He has a committee set up to seize toilets and cars of which Victor Smith was the Don operating from the castle. What did this committee achieve? Unless you were one of the armed robbers given a castle badge, a gun and a license to steal or carjack legitimately, these NDC hoodlums just made life unpleasant for law abiding citizens without accomplishing anything. When citizens who were abused by these goons complained, President Committee set up a committee to investigate. Investigate what? He could have summoned the leader of the car seizing syndicate that was operating under his nose from the castle to his office and give him the marching orders to vacate his Castle office, but aloof President Mills, aka President Committee went about his "AMALIA" job at the Castle, sleeping.

. The Sports Minister took a a bunch of idiots to Ivory Coast to frolic with little girls and were caught with their pants down, literally, and what did President Committee do? Set up a committee to investigate and exonerate these "Chinchinga" and "APEETE" drinkers.

Tractor Ayariga stole tractors brought to the country by the previous NPP government and instead of President Committe sacking him, he set up a committee to investigate that came up with nought.

The Foreign Minister, a known thief went missing and was traced to a Houston Hospital seeking medical help and what did President Committee do? Set up a committee to invstigate why a man supposed to be in New York for a national assignment ended up in Houston, Texas.

President committee, since assuming office has made one decision that he did not solicit the opinion of a committee and that decision was to bribe 230 Parliamentarians with a 50,000 dollars grant he calls a loan backed by their future bonus.

Even promptings from Rawlings and Spio Garbrah to reshuffle his team "B" cabinet is not resonating with Mills who seems tone deaf to good advice. Stuborness, when esteemed in unwise decision is not a virtue but who is going to tell President Committee who listens to only soccer Prophet Joshua.This is a real downer.

One enduring character for a President is to be able to think fast on his or her feet and Atta Mills lack that quality, he can't make up his mind until a committee is set up to decide for him or Pastor Joshua put his size ten shoes on his behind, WHAT KIND OF A PRESIDENT IS THIS?

The buck does not stop at Mills desk, he always passes it on to a committee because this is a President who hates to accept responsibility for any decision he makes. Ghanaians voted for President Mills thinking an Associate Professor might have answers to our myriad of problems , not knowing we were going to get President Committee stuck in reverse gear. A promised reduction in Petrol price to two cedis is now five cedis and and about to go up again on November 1st, a complete 360 turn.

Mills Presidency is only in its tenth month but judging by what he has done so far, a grade "F" is even being kind to him, MILLS PRESIDENCY IS A COMPLETE FAILURE.

Justice Sarpong

Dallas, Texas.

Columnist: Sarpong, Justice