
Klottey Korle: Why Dr. Zanetor Rawlings is your best bet

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Fri, 20 Nov 2015 Source: Dela Coffie

As the day to decide the next candidate to represent the NDC in Klottey Korle constituency for the next general elections draws closer, voters need to reflect over important issues before casting their final vote. Please make informed decision before casting that final vote.

There is no doubt that the current member of Parliament, Hon. Nii Armah Ashietey has become stale, and oblivious to the most current political, social, economic and cultural philosophies that the most progressive members of parliament are churning out and executing.

It’s been said that the level of enlightenment of a society must not be judged by the conditions of life of its strongest members, but rather by the conditions of the weakest. In some parts of Ghana, it’s the other way round.

The NDC at Klottey Korle can help us, put an end to this stagnation and kleptocracy by taking a momentous step – retiring their inefficient and tired member of parliament.

The NDC must modernize. This means that a whole generation of NDC politicians must give way to a newer, more objective, and better informed generation. Forget about the usual African deference to gerontology; it’s the reason why we had slavery and still have child labour in our culture.

I’m not saying the older generation of politicians must be locked up in a closet and the keys thrown into a KVIP.

No. They are all welcome to participate in one way or the other in the continual edification of the nation. However, we all just have to realize that the time for meritocracy has come and is here to stay.

The old and tired political nepotism practiced by Ghana’s elite, both traditional and business, must give way to a more objective, merit-based system. That’s how nations unearth the best leaders, like Barack obama of the U.S., David Cameron of the U.K., Manmohan Singh of India, and Naoto Kan of Japan.

We will be circum-ambulating in the desert of penury, poverty, and backwardness forever if we fail to admit this fact and act accordingly.

And who can undertake this Herculean task of bringing the people of Klottey Korle into the 21st century? I strongly believe that Dr. Zanetor Rawlings is a powerful metaphor of the new generation of Ghanaians who are ready and willing to oversee this transitioning of governance systems. She must be seriously considered for leadership of the NDC at the constituency level (and, by extension, national) at the next elections, or at any other opportunity for that matter. There are scores of reasons why I give her my vote of confidence.

Here are a few of them:

1. Dr. Zanetor Rawlings is an intelligent and tenacious person. She is self-made, and virtuous to boot. She's the epitome of the tried, tested.

2. Dr. Zanetor Rawlings is virtuous to boot and can make the case that needs to be made. She has a well-honed international outlook on life, unlike some of our present MPs who cannot see beyond their villages and tribes. Dr. Zanetor can relate to anybody from anywhere, be they child or adult, male or female, black or white, educated or uneducated, mediocre or talented. She can inspire a new generation to new heights of social responsibility with her exemplary biography.

3. Dr. Zanetor is noble, maybe not by birth, but certainly by virtue. She can sanitize public discourse with her civilized and polished oratory. I could go on and on, so I will conclude. If the NDC is to survive at the Klottey Korle, the likes of Nii Armah Ashietey must graduate into retirement and allow a new leadership to emerge.

If Ghana is to modernize culturally, economically, politically, and behaviourally, the most enlightened of her children must lead the way. Dr. Zanetor Rawlings wants to, can and will lead the way if given the opportunity.

Some may say she is overly ambitious, but that is alright. One must have a strong desire to do a thing in order to do that thing well and enjoy doing it. Besides, ambition in a private person should not be seen as a vice.

She certainly has the wherewithal, the stature, the credibility, the personality and the sincerity to lead the NDC at the Klottey Korle constituency. It must also be admitted that she is well liked. She has the reputation for being blunt and charming, and most Ghanaians – alas-seem to have soft spot for her.

More importantly, we know Dr. Zanetor Rawlings just like any other human being isn't perfect, but then all we really crave for is an honest man – or – woman, who will do an honest job and not continue to sleep on the job.

The NDC needs a new crop of selfless activists who looks ready for the future and really wants the job. The party has to move on and offer an alternative to underperforming MPs. Some of these non performing MPs are desperate to hang on to power in spite of their failures but the voters are disenchanted.

Forget all the noise about 'who comes from where' and the dirty ethnic politics. The NDC at Klottey Korle have only one option for parliamentary candidate for 2016 general election. And Dr. Zanetor Rawlings is the deal.

To you, Dr. Zanetor, I say this: go for it, brave soul, and pull no punches. Whether you discover the New World or not, you would have made an indelible statement. God be with you!

Dela Coffie

Columnist: Dela Coffie