
Still in California

Fri, 13 May 2011 Source: Gyimah, A. P.

May 12, 2011

Dear Mr. President of the Republic of Ghana,

What were your complaints about to the Asante king? Did you say that Nana Rawlings was harassing you? Are you certain he harassed you? Did he know that it is a crime to harass, frustrate, intimidate or molest a sitting president, chief justice, attorney-general and chief of police? He has committed yet another crime, and he may be getting punished for it. When I am calling for peace, Nana Rawlings is calling for trouble. He doesn’t respect anyone but himself. His so-called undeclared son-in-law, Mr. Herbert Mensah, is also pointlessly attempting to discredit you. Character assassination is a civil crime.

By this letter, I am informing you and Ghanaians that I have not overlooked the content of my letter dated 30th December, 2010. I can understand the inconvenience it may have caused you for the long break in communication, especially for the absence of my proposed peace plan. I listen to your speeches as I do to everyone else’s and understand the tone of the languages used. I understood Nana Rawlings’ preaching in Sogakope Catholic Church. I am Catholic myself, but I did not find justice in his administration. I have also noticed that he is playing with my intelligence. The NDC party doesn’t belong to any family. You spoke bodily. The Education Minister was very bold.

The delay was a sanction I placed on your administration for the reason that the outcome of the meeting you held with the immortal Ghanaian dictator Flt. Lt. Nana Jerry John Rawlings, regarding the Ivorian political crisis was completely unacceptable. After the meeting, your comment to the press that you have high respect for the endless dictator tremendously concerned me. I asked myself, why the president should respect a man who lives and enjoys the Ghanaian environment; yet, has attempted several times to overthrow your administration to create instability in the system. The dictator has no respect for you. Respect is reciprocal. It is earned, not given. He notoriously organizes the fools to plot coups or cause violence to suit his personal and family needs.

Additionally, I pondered your decision to heed the advice the dictator gave you at the meeting. A person who wants to take over your administration by the use of force will automatically be proud to see a neighboring country’s dictator holding on to power by deception, fraud, and the use of force. His interest is to establish a legacy of dictatorship in the sub region, if he can afford it. Let’s all remember that this dictator was overthrown by the former U.S. president Mr. George Walker Bush Sr. and the loyal Ghanaians. Now, he has resorted to campaign funding propaganda to ruin your reputation. The IGP should arrest him. If he fails to arrest him, then, I will obviously have to devise alternative means to get him arrested. We are trying to get rid of dictators and terrorists by the end of next year. It is Muammar Gaddafi’s turn.

The dictator Flt. Lt. Nana Jerry John Rawlings has no experience in democratic governance. The advice he provided was pointless and irrelevant and it has proven just that, at this time. Sir, compare his piece of advice to the one served on the world by our former Ambassador to the United Nations, Mr. Victor Gbeho, when he visited the Ivory Coast. I do not want to mention Nana Akufo Addo’s advice but Mr. Victor Gbeho, who comes from your own political party. In a democratic community, when it comes to national security matters, the community is one in decision making, not divided. Usually, the Constitution should dictate the dynamics and pattern of our national security. National security is not a matter of political party issues, more particularly when it is a direct threat, but solidarity amongst members of the entire nation-state. This is where teamwork, collaboration and cooperation are highly utilized and intelligence gathering is high on the agenda. Our one major national security issue at stake is the ongoing rape of women and children. Another is the terrorist’s threats. We need to stop the threats immediately. A president can devise his own tactical policies or methods to achieve the national security goal but may not tamper with the structure, under normal circumstances.

The former minister for Youth and Sports, Honorable Akua Dansua’s, effort to allow the wife of the inspector and supervisor of legitimate Ghanaian leaders to accompany her to the grand opening of the Ghanaian Youth Program in the Central Region in the Fall of the previous year made me ponder. Consequently, I distanced myself from Madam Akua Dansua youth program activities. The location seemed to be central because it is the birth region of the Eninfuls. Thus, it became a day of remembrance for the late little Eninfuls and their mother. Thus, the accompanying of and the speech delivered by the dictator’s spouse was insulting. The content of her speech would have been more than welcomed if her disreputable husband & co. had not murdered the Eninfuls, and all those they have murdered and raped from 1979 to date.

The sanction ended on 31st March 31, 2011, but because of your nationwide travel, I decided to hold on to the peace plan until you were done with your tours.

Mr. President, I wonder why you should openly declare your respect for someone who lives in our country and has made several attempts to overthrow your administration in just two months after the start of your administration. He continues to attempt to bring your good democratic governance credentials to a failure and disrepute. In security wise, you are his potential enemy because you have failed to imprison his enemies. He refuses to understand that he has no enemies but truth seekers. He is a criminal and those rallying around him are criminals as well. He believes that you have refused to honor his wishes. He lacks the proper understanding that if wishes were realities beggars would ride. If he thinks that the NDC party was formed to harass Ghanaians, I am afraid he has a long way to go. All political parties in Ghana are to promote democracy, not lawlessness and abuses of human rights. Ghanaians, particularly the opposition parties must praise you for leading the NDC party into practicing contemporary democratic governance, after the P/NDC led by the Rawlings committed many atrocities in the nation for 19 years. The opposition owes you a debt of gratitude, not to take advantage of you and make you another Mikhail Gorbachev.

His wife, Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings, background in dictatorship supersedes that of her husband. She has held the position of president of the infamous 31st December 1981 Women’s Movement for 30 consecutive years. Are there no other women in the country who can also effectively occupy that position and perform better? The organization is not only illegal and illegitimate but also unconstitutional because of its revolutionary origin. It is a revolutionary organization formed to foster their agenda to deceive Ghanaian women, not a regular non-profit organization to help the needy and poor. Parliament should pass a law to stop all revolutionary non-profit organizations from operating in the system. On 31st December, 1981 children starved to death because mothers could not go out to the marketplace to purchase food for the household. Those who attempted to go out were severely beaten, murdered or raped by “similar undeserving soldiers”. Therefore, the organization is misleading Ghanaian women since they could not move about on the 31st December. The so-called Movement is financed by Ghanaian tax payers, so we need financial management accountability, transparency and a complete disclosure.

The Rawlingses have lived of off Ghanaians for too long. To me, they have conducted a gain to suffer business, not the otherwise.

The Rawlingses are advantage takers. They have a history of crimes, dishonesty and being disloyal to their followers. They believe they are above the laws and will continue to be above the laws of our native land for the rest of their supposed endless lives.

Also of important note to you and Ghanaians is this: It has come to my attention the complaint you lodged with the Asante king about the harassment the Nana Rawlings conducts towards you. It is a crime to harass, frustrate, or intimidate a nation’s chief executive, attorney-general, chief of police and chief justice. The crime classification depends on the five W’s and the H. It could be a misdemeanor or felony. I may be preparing a statement of probable cause for the arrest of the unchanging Flt. Lt. Nana Jerry John Rawlings and submit it to our son, President Barrack Obama, Prime Minister David Cameron (Nana Rawlings’ said father) and the remaining world leaders for his immediate arrest and prosecution. If I decide to go ahead and prepare a statement to that effect, the under-listed felony charges will be preferred against the son of the illegal economic migrants or wanderers of the 1930s in the Gold Coast:

1. Assault

2. Bribery

3. Violence at international airport

4. Aggravated assault

5. Possession or distribution of stolen property

6. Dishonesty, fraud, or misrepresentation

7. Theft

8. Arson

9. Willful destruction of property

10. Threat

11. Burglary

12. Armed or felony armed robbery

13. Extortion

14. Unlawful possession, use, sale, distribution, or manufacture of an explosive or weapon

15. Rape or aggravated sexual abuse

16. Treason

17. Kidnapping or hostage taking

18. Sedition

19. Espionage

20. Assault with intent to murder

21. Murder

22. Mass murder

23. Destruction of an aircraft or either a domestic or international or military aircraft facility. It is crime to use any device, substance or weapon, to intentionally perform an act of violence against any person at an airport or to destroy or seriously damage the facilities of such an airport.

24. Unlawful entry into an aircraft area that serves air carriers or foreign air carriers contrary to establish security requirements.

25. Conveying false information and threats

26. Aircraft piracy outside the special aircraft jurisdiction of any Ghana.

27. Aircraft piracy

28. Forgery of Certificates, false marking of aircraft and other aircraft registration violations

29. Defrauding innkeepers with firearms

30. Putting children in danger

31. Conspiracy or attempting to commit any of the criminal acts listed above.

Your Excellency, stay strong and focused. God is king.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. A. P. Gyimah

Columnist: Gyimah, A. P.