
Stolen Cash: Arrest Bog Boss & Duffour

Thu, 17 Jul 2014 Source: AFAG Leadership

In the midst of rising fuel prices and the general price levels of goods and services, it is nonsensical to note that, even though there were records of a rise in percentage of net receipts of 9.7 percent, the foreign asset reserve dropped from $5.83 billion to $596.8 million. What this means is that, over 600 million USD belonging to Ghanaians have been stolen and hence remain unaccounted for.

Mr.President we stand by our call for you to resign because under your governance we have seen such crass management of the economy. This is absolutely inimical. Stealing from the national vault should not be condoned in any form but, it suffice to argue that your indecision has brought this economy which hitherto was stable to its knees.

Last week,the president announced that, the expected proceeds from the eurobond, receipts from the annual cocoa syndication loan, upward adjustment in the production of oil from 110 000 barrel to 200 000 barrels will shore up reserves and and flourish the economy. Mr. President, we are all aware that Ghana is well endowed with natural resources and your government is best at sourcing loans. The worry is that, you are neck deep into mismanaging our resources saddled with poor and adhoc unsustainable decisions leaving Ghanaians to grow poorer and poorer in the long run. The level of patronage and corruption is so high. No one decision from you can demonstrate your commitment to the fight against corruption. No wonder, in the midst of abundance, Ghanaians keep wallowing in poverty. How sad??

Mr.President, AFAG and the good people of Ghana cannot stand this inherent show of visionless and sleepy leadership. Besides we cannot continue to get poorer at the expense of you and your looting lieutenants. This not withstanding, it is clear that in 2012, your men entered into the treasury to steal over 600million USD. Mr. President this is another case of well organised looting by men put in trust to manage the common resources of all.

Mr. President we are calling on you to ensure in the event that your hands are clean, the appearance of the Bank of Ghana boss and the minister of finance at the public accounts committee to answer to the good people of Ghana. What was the money been used for?

Failure for them to appear before the public accounts committee; the BOG boss, the minister of finance and the former minister of finance Dr. Duffour must be arrested and prosecuted accordingly. You can only do this if your hands are clean Mr.President.

The Good people of Ghana have lost confidence in you. You need to take decisive and constructive measures now!!!!!

God save Ghana.

Columnist: AFAG Leadership