
Stop the hypocrcy, UTAG executives

Fri, 25 Apr 2014 Source: UPSA

Our attention has been drawn to the press release in the daily graphic addressing issues raised by Dr. Kwarteng (former senior member-UPSA). We are surprised that the UTAG executives responded to the claims with such a speed and alacrity. We see that to be highly hypocritical and superlative nonsense because as executives your duty is to protect the interest of your members and not to “pull them down.” We wish to state that Ghanaians are well awake and discerning and so no amount of lies or propaganda will make them believe what you have stated in the press release. In any case, all the issues raised by Dr. Kwarteng about UPSA are TRUE. For instance, is it not true that the VC is running the University like his family franchise and takes obnoxious decisions on behalf of the University? Is it also not true that he is doing everything possible to ensure that his wife becomes the next VC after his tenure ends in 2016? Again, is it not true that the VC’s wife selects lecturers to lecture at the graduate school based on her whims and caprices and not on merit? Furthermore, is it not true that lecturers are being intimidated, harassed, vilified and victimized by the VC, his wife and Quartey? In our candid opinion, we think that Dr. Kwarteng was even magnanimous by not mentioning other important wrongs currently happening in UPSA. For instance, he did not mention the massive corruption and academic fraud currently taking place in UPSA.

In any case, for some time now our allowances (for extra services rendered) have deliberately been withheld by the VC and as UTAG executives what have you done about it? Why have you not tackled it with the same speed and alacrity? Just stop the hypocrisy and shut up!!! Are you now doubling as public relations directors of UPSA? You must remember that the evil that men do will surely live after them. ALUTA CONTINUA



Columnist: UPSA