The National Democratic Congress
This is the first time a CAMPAIGN TEAM was set up and the NATIONAL YOUTH ORGANIZER WAS NOT PART OF.
I tried to control and make sure that we channeled all programmes to wards the Youth, but, IF YOU HAVE BEEN TAKEN OFF, MAY BE IT IS A STRATEGY FAILURE: This was said by no less a person than Mr. SIDI ABUBAKARI MUSAH, the National Youth Organizer of National Democratic Congress (N.D.C) and if you doubt it, See Daily Graphic, Monday February 20th 2017 – Page 17, and read from the Horse’s own mouth. Dear reader, what proof do you need again to conclude that the so – called “New NDC members” were running the NDC party as their Private Company where most party executives from the TOP-ACCRA THROUGH THE VARIOUS REGIONS AND CONSTITUENCIES WERE ALL CHASING MONEY – I mean Raw Cash, while moving Heaven and Earth to destroy the cadres and even drove away thousands of foot soldiers at the various branches of the party, so why won’t the NDC lose the 2016 election?
How can you form a campaign team without including a whole National Youth Organizer? The Youth forms 70% of Ghana’s population and it was they who voted massively in 2016.
If I were him, I would have relaxed comfortably in my house and watch movies or read news papers and allow these confused campaign team members to do their own thing. For heaven’s sake, if we don’t stop this messy fanctionalism, the NDC will remain in opposition for donkey years. You lie, cadres including this writer who were all sidelined would rise up to the challenge, heads must roll, some people would have to go on indefinite suspension akin to what happened in the violent prone NPP in 2015/2016. Why then should Comrade Kwesi Botchway waste his precious time to go round the country with his 13 member team to find out the reasons why the NDC lost the 2016 elections after all these nasty revelations? The team would hear worse stories at the various constituencies and party branches nationwide.
However, the 13 member team must forget it, if it wants to invite only Constituency or Regional ExecSutives to its meetings MINUS the 9 member branch executives – it will fail, for the NDC to face another humiliating defeat which would be worse than what happened on 7th December 2016. You mark my words and then try it and see what will happen to the party in 2020.
How can the violent prone NPP snatch FIVE PARLIAMENTARY SEATS IN THE UPPER WEST REGION OUT OF ELEVEN SEATS FROM THE NDC FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 1992? A fish always rot form its head and that was exactly what happened at the National NDC Headquarters where their IT system failed to function and the IT system of the NPP was able to compile all the election results accurately way ahead of the Electoral Commission and the then ruling government of the NDC, and yet some characters always get up to blame the Rawlings Boys including this writer who are the Foundation of the great NDC.
Some people amassed illegal wealth in the NDC, they must not be allowed to get away with such ILL GOTTEN WEALTH. AS I speak, I am currently fighting one such case at the Kumasi High Court 4, where the Constituency Organizer in the Obuasi East constituency stole GH¢ 111,900.00 meant for the construction of the party office, but diverted it to build his private house. The entire Constituency Executives even wrote to the High Court Registrar and supported him. In re-action, I also petitioned the NDC National Headquarters about the case, as well as the former President of Ghana, H.E. John Mahama and Flt. Lt. J.J. Rawlings, the NDC founder, but I had no assistance and never even got an acknowledgement from these three sources to date.
Probity and Accountability has been buried in the NDC by those who describe themselves as ‘New NDC members’. My case is still pending in court and I will move Heaven and Earth to retrieve the money through the High Court since those MCE’s and Ministers of state who were fully supporting that greedy party organizer are no more in power, and we are all the same now. There is so much rot in the NDC party and it is time we winnow the CHAFF from the MILLET, in order to save the Great NDC from total collapse, as we freely gave power to the violent prone NPP on 7th December 2016.
After that shocking and humiliating defeat, these shameless so – called ‘New NDC members’ then turned round to make Jerry Rawlings the scape goat for Causing the NDC defeat.
Rawlings have no hand in the NDC defeat as well as his cadres. Since when did the NDC form a National campaign team and excluded the National Youth Organizer during general elections from 1992 to date? It happened only in the 2016 general elections since some people had and still have their own political agenda in the NDC – let them put up or bring up their selfish agenda and we see fire works. As for the man Rawlings, he has been upredictable since the PNDC era and that is his nature and we have to learn to live with him from 1982 to date 2017.
During an orientation course for NPP ministers at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration. (GIMPA) President Kufuor referred to former Prez. Rawlings and the whole of the NDC members as ‘EVIL FORCES’ in 2002, it is only Nation wreckers, tax dodgers and thieves who are anti – Rawlings in Ghana because they are not cadres (2) In 2003, Kufour again referred to Rawlings as Sasa-bonsam – A DEVIL in the Akan language. (3) On 23rd October, 2004, President Kufuor again referred to Rawlings as “That Thing” while addressing a rally of NPP members in Accra. Yes, here is Kufuor and ugly tall man with blood shot eyes describing Rawlings as ‘That Thing’ Infact wonders will never end.
(4) Again, after the sasabonsam insult, Kufuor further insulted Rawlings as ‘dzimakpala’ an Ewe word meaning vagabond. To All NDC members, what does the above dirty insults from the then president mean? Those insult carries weight and have so many meanings but instead of thinking about all these, most NDC executives were busy chasing monies and we lost the election in 2016. NDC members must know that we are in politics fighting a CLASS WAR in Ghana and must not mess around at all.
(5) As if that was not enough, Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings was put before court and the court became her second home from 2001 - 2008 where FALSE CHARGES WERE PREFERRED AGAINST HER AND FOUR OTHERS INCLUDING MADAM SHERRY AYITEY, Nana Konadu is the wife of J.J. Rawlings – the NDC founder.
At an NPP press conference held on 22nd march 2005, former president Rawlings was the victim of the most outrageous verbal pounding ever in Ghanaian contemporary politics. The false statement read to the press said:
1.Rawlings is abusing the freedom of speech to commit the crime of subversion and to indulge in reckless defamation of other persons
2.This outrageous and foul outburst by a person (Rawlings) who appears clearly to be possessed by some evil spirit should not be allowed to pass without rebuke.
3.The time has come to remind the whole world what sort of CREATURE he (Rawlings) was. This is nonserse, if Kufuor with his blood shot eyes is not a creature, how on earth can Rawlings be described as a creature? NPP come Again.
4.On June 4th 1979, lean and hungry, and burning with envy and hatred of those he imagined to be better off than himself, he unleashed on this country an orgy of senseless blood letting which should justly earn him the title of ‘The Butcher of June 4th. Any Way’, that statement is false because all Ghanaian citizens except the bereaved families of the executed military thieves supported the June 4th uprising in 1979 as well as the executions that took place. But if we want to talk of those who actually unleashed on this country, an orgy of senseless blood letting through countless bomb throwings across the country that killed thousands of innocent Men, women and children and should be crowned Butchers of ‘Matemeho’ the so-called National Liberation Movement (NLM) which later became the United Party which the violent prone NPP represent today. the cut-throats of innocent Ghanaians and killers of innocent Ghanaian women in the streets of Accra with several condoms around them because of political power – It is TODAY’S NPP now in government by default and not, repeat, not Jerry Rawlings who is currently the World President on leave. Madam Elizabeth Asantewaa’s leg is now rotten away as she was the victim of a bomb thrown at the Accra sports stadium by United Party (UP) murderers when she was then a school girl and her leg was amputated up to date 2017. Go to Dansoman – opposite Osofo Dadzie flats in Accra, that woman’s leg is now rotten away because of UP/NPP violent bomb outrages in Accra in 1963 – NPP, go and take her to hospital and buy a decent house for her, is that clear?
5.At the press conference, they continued by saying that he (Rawlings) turned out to be to cruelest oppressor that the country has ever known. You lie – The cruelest oppressors that the country had ever known were ‘Gen’. Afrifa, Dr. K.A Busia,’ Baffour Akoto, Dr. J.B. Danquah and Ex-Prez. J.A. Kufuor, the fake democrat. Is any body listening? I shall return. “Jaanbie Iwaii”