
Stop the political speculation on Dr. Ezanator Rawlings:

Sun, 26 Jul 2015 Source: Efanam, Komla Nyaku Felix

.....united cadres’ front react to media reports

There is no doubt that in the event of any up-coming political election, there is a lot of media projection and speculation on who is to stand for what slot, from the media landscape.

It is also true that certain aspirants to political positions also use the media to test reaction to their ambitions. They cause the media to introduce suggestions to the effect of their objectives and study the repercussions.

However, to the extent that an individual has not declared his or her intention to contest a position and sections of the media start falling over themselves as though the individual had categorically stated an intention to run for a particular position, is to say the least – unwarranted.

Dr. Ezanator Rawlings is an individual and by all constitutional standards qualified to stand/contest for an elective position in the country. She has an added advantage of belonging to the former first family. The United Cadres’ Front believe that Dr. Ezanator Rawlings knows the procedure, processes and practice in courting attention and threading the necessary paths to obtaining nomination in line with the National Democratic Congress’ dictates in its electoral laws.

It is clear that if she were indeed interested in an elective position, she would explore all avenues to democratically encumber the position, by sustaining the harmonious relationship she already has with all and sundry in the process.

It is the plea of the United Cadres’ Front, that those sections of the media engaged in the over excitement of speculating the political overtures of Dr. Ezanator be more circumspect in their conjectures and follow her spiraling political intentions with objectivity.

We believe that if it is the intention of the good Doctor to stand for any election, she will do it properly and with matured decorum.


Efanam Komla Nyaku Felix - July 24, 2015

(General Secretary)

Mobile: 0242727105/0500202028

Columnist: Efanam, Komla Nyaku Felix