
Sweet Taboo Poetry: Anguished Ablah (Episode 1)

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Wed, 13 May 2020 Source: Senyo Hosi

Sweet Taboo

(Anguished Ablah)

Poetry 18+

Sitting, I stare

I am falling where I fear

I shriek, how dare me dare

Where I dare not dare.

Well before the day shall break,

I lay awake,

In heart, I ache

My feeling, I struggle to fake

Love’s bars, I pray I break.

Sweet hot, horny chills I feel within

My thoughts wander nowhere but him

Only hell knows what I’ll do to him

With him within.

Alone, his kiss, his touch I yearn

As though its miss, my life shall burn

Day dreaming what will happen when we meet.

Like butter on heat

His feel I melt

And yes I’m wet.

Urgent, I need an abode

I’m about to explode

This thing is real

No, no it can’t be real.

Why feel this way

When I can’t have my way?

How did it happen

That my heart’s so deep in?

This is not me!

I swore I can never be swept off my feet

But here I am flat beneath

Far and wide

I want his ride

I swore I will overcome

But here I am, wet and rather wanna come

Speechless and helpless

How do I overcome?

Hands, mine filled,

His filled

Laying in the right warmth, I long for him to share my quilt

Guilt Guilt Guilt

I feel it not.

Right Right Right,

I wish it but will it not.

Wrong Wrong Wrong

This, I do not belong

Ding Dong

This must stop

Before I get a boo

Oh! What a sweet taboo?

Anguished Ablah

Authored by Senyo Hosi

Columnist: Senyo Hosi