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CPP congratulates Ghanaians

Mon, 1 Jul 2002 Source: gna

The Convention People's Party (CPP) on Monday extended its warmest felicitations to Ghanaians for attaining 42 years of a Republican status.

In a statement issued and signed by Dr Nii Noi Dowuona, General Secretary of the party, it said 1 July would forever remain in the minds of Ghanaians as the day when this country attained a full sovereign status under the leadership of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, founder of the CPP and modern Ghana.

He said: " The quest for a Republican status was in fulfilment of the CPP government's commitment to achieving a major objective underpinning the declaration of independence in 1957"

Reminding Ghanaians of the struggle they went through to attain emancipation, self-dignity and equality of black people Mr Dowuona said, "the significant role played by Dr Nkrumah towards the attainment of those goals should not be forgotten." He called on all to commit themselves to the ideals of Pan -Africanism and the emancipation of the oppressed and underprivileged people throughout the world as they celebrate the day.

Dr Dowuona said all Nkrumaists welcomed the commitment to the establishment of the African Union by 'progressive African leaders' adding; " this shows a recognition of the vision and mission of Ghana's first President and founding father of the Organisation of African Unity."

He expressed the hope that the sub-regional groupings such as Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Southern African Development Commission (SADC), Arab League and the current economic blueprint, New Economic Partnership for Economic Development (NEPAD), should not frustrate or slow down the pace of the continental unity.

"The numerous factors that continue to hamper Africa's growth and development must be resolved quickly with a continental outlook to lift the continent out of its present gloom," he said.

Source: gna