
Tamale Congress: New NDC Pathways but an Old Road for JJ

Thu, 21 Jan 2010 Source: Mensema, Akadu Ntiriwa

*By Akadu Ntiriwa Mensema

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has emerged unscathed, stronger, united and focused from its Eighth National Delegates Congress in Tamale and is poised to execute its "Better Ghana Agenda" to retain the confidence of Ghanaians.


Better Ghana Agenda

Too many new promises

While old ones are being discarded

Championed by a confused patriot

Being pushed around by

Heckled by the sculptor of delusions

Delusions of political dross

Of probity

Of Accountability

That never was

Chaperoned by men who are foreign to sweat

Sweetened by bulging stomachs of stately wealth

Cheered on by sweat-infested supporters

Who run in Charlie-woteys

After politrickians empired in 4X4 BMWs,

Cowards who marry politics

To rape, plunder it

Cowards whose only tomorrow is power

Power to plunder the state

Power to enrich their pockets

Power to swell their egos

Cowards who nurture street kids

10-year olds who sell dog chains

Street kids who have no future

Cowards who defer promises made to children

Cowards whose only courage is theft

Yet keep making new promises

Even as they steal children’s diapers


Tomorrow’s promises are dead

Today’s promises never see the horizon

Let alone the sun

Happy Ghana, Free Ghana


Keeps weaving cottons of miragic promises

As they lose the threads

Of what can bring us

To the brink of their better Ghana

The sun departed with Mills

Happy Ghana has been sabotaged

By the one man who has a Kingdom

And Tamale has given him another 20 years

The King will remove his Tamale crown

And scream in public

Froth in public

Foam like a fish out water

Accuse all Ghanaians but himself

Complain that Mills’ crown is too heavy

That Mills is a go-slow chap

Like Swedru snails

That Mills has put D after Team B

Freedom was left behind with Mills

Progress was left behind with Mills

So the NDC King has come full circle

A quest for another 20 years

20 years in the wilderness of delusions

He will foam again

So Mills extend your chords of cotton wool

So Mill hold up our cotton wool

Of our 20,000-plus seasons of cowardice

To help clean up the foam of our lost dreams

From our bumbling King

The philosopher of our time

The hero of one thief one toilet revolution

Who now has 15 toilets to himself

A paradox of history largely told

*Akadu N.Mensema, Ph. D., is a nationalist Denkyira beauty. She is a trained oral historian cum sociologist and Professor in the USA. She lives in Pennsylvania with her great mentor and teaches Africa-area studies at a college in Maryland. In her pastime, she writes what critics have called “populist hyperbolic, satirical” poetry. She can be reached at

Columnist: Mensema, Akadu Ntiriwa