NSS has blamed poor handwriting of some students as the cause of delay of their monthly allowances
This is total absurdity on the part of the NSS P.R.O Mr. Ambrose Enstiwah Jnr to have put young graduates from the various universities and the Ghana education system into such a public ridicule.
Come to think of it, how did these personnel pass their exams from the SHS level to the tertiary level?
If not because corruption has engulfed the institution, he Mr. Ambrose seems to be the mouthpiece in the past and present why would they ask national service personnel to validate themselves in hand writing every month before their allowances are paid?
He has the gut to degrade and insult Ghana’s education system and graduates from our prestigious universities across the country because of their inability to pay poor service personnel their monthly tokens.
The NSS as an institution never saw anything wrong with deducting GHS 15 from personnel’s allowance for by force insurance policy and monthly bundle. The NSS over the years lack ideas on how to improve upon the conditions of rendering a mandatory national service by poor young graduates.
For the love for God and country, young graduates accept postings to hinterlands to render their services to our dear nation, some walk miles to submit their monthly duty report forms and all ‘he’ the P.R.O who is supposed to know better could do is to ridicule personnel by saying they have poor hand writings.
If government together with the national service secretariat can no longer raise the PV’s of service personnel, they should scrap the national service and stop stressing young graduates in the name of national service. I dare Mr. Ambrose and his cohorts at the national service secretariat to make themselves available for a ‘writing competition” with the personnel’s he claimed have poor hand writings.
Enough of the bootlicking comments over unpaid allowances.
Service personnel’s are starving, they need the allowance to pay the exorbitant utility bills, they need the allowance to be able to transport themselves to work every day.
Concerned citizen.