
Thank you Prophet T.B. Joshua

Fri, 16 Aug 2013 Source: Allotey, Henry Kpakpo

, Thank you Ghanaweb!

I finally got it! Yes I got it! Oh my, am so happy!

I was insulted, labeled as crazy and virtually lampooned simply because I had requested for something that I believed will aid in my breakthrough. My two years of search for the holy anointed water from Prophet .T.B Joshua has finally ended and am so glad.

The man of God ordered his branch in Ghana to make the holy water available to me and they promptly complied! Not only did they give me the cherished anointed water, they also made available to me inspirational books that will aid me in my spiritual life. All free of charge! You hear that?? Free of charge!

I was not asked to pay any money for anything. I was accorded splendid reception and encouraged in my spiritual life. That is a true Christian church! This is the way true Christianity should go! Ah! Am so happy!

But somebody may I ask, why did i go through all this simply to acquire an anointed water? When I posted my personal letter to Prophet T.B Joshua on Ghanaweb, I received numerous calls to abandon my search for the anointed water. Some labeled the Prophet with unprintable allegations and even plain told me I was stupid and downright lazy! But I knew my request had basis in scripture and I will prove it here!

Jehovah’s Witnesses tells us God did not create the world we live in directly. They claim he created everything in the world through his firstborn son Jesus Christ. To the JW’s, God used a vessel which is Jesus Christ to create the universe and everything in it. That means even from day one, God uses a vessel in performance of his deeds!

During the time of the patriarchs, God used angels in human form to deliver messages to his servants like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Do we remember how God spoke of his intention to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah to Abraham through his angels? Are we not told how Jacob grappled with God and prevailed hence was blessed more? We all know it was not God almighty he grappled with but his vessel which is one of his angels!

In the time of the Israelites, God dealt with the Israelites through instruments like Moses, Jethro, Aaron, Judges, Prophets and other similar vessels. Kings in Israel use to summon Prophets to inquire from them whether they had God’s blessings before they proceed to battle. They recognized God’s usage of vessels hence made abundant use of them.

Fast forward to the time of Jesus and thereafter and we come to the conclusion that God uses and still makes use of vessels in dealing with humans. Jesus himself was a vessel God used to save mankind from the ravages of sin and death. That is why Jesus could boldly proclaim that he is the way, the truth and the light; no one goes to the father except THROUGH him! ( John 14:6)

What about the disciples of Jesus? So powerful were their healing abilities that we are told that Peter’s shadow had healing power! As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter's shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by. ( Acts 5:15)

Has the performance of Miracles and other powerful deliverances passed away? Jesus himself answered that at Mark 16:17-19 : "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. 17"These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

Now, it is evidently clear that my request to Prophet T.B. Joshua, who is God’s vessel on earth for the anointing water, was neither misplaced nor foolish. It was born out of scripture and my innate belief that God still works in the affairs of men through his chosen vessels on earth. God is so powerful that he has used inanimate things to give people what they desire. My request for the anointing water was rooted in wisdom and biblical truth!

I will want to sincerely thank Prophet T.B Joshua for his quick response to my request. He has clearly shown and proven that in time of needs, he is pillow we can rest on. He has shown that he is a true man of God who has the interest of mankind at heart. I believe that God is using people like T.B. Joshua to bring food to the hungry, water to those who thirst and comfort to those who grieve. Thank you man of God and May God richly bless you and your ever growing SCOAN!

Henry Kpakpo Allotey


Columnist: Allotey, Henry Kpakpo