
“The 241,000 Civil War of Ghana 2013”

Wed, 7 Aug 2013 Source: Baffour, Francis


Supreme Court Justices to spark civil war by ruling in favor of NDC ignoring a fact like 241,000 foreign votes credited to the NDC president to win by a margin of 300,000 over NPP presidential candidate Nana Addo. The total for foreign votes was 800 (eight hundred) but it came out as 241,000 for NDC. This is only one instance of vote padding. Add the massive electoral fraud in Volta Region where possibly as many as the mid hundreds of thousands of votes got tucked into the NDC president’s tally combined with the torching of the IT section of the EC to destroy all evidence of fraud in the 2012 elections and the sum total is war.

Ready for this? In 2008 Elections, the EC claimed Nana Addo lost by 30,000 votes, yet he made no challenge and accepted it. He could have rallied his teeming supporters for a showdown but he didn’t.

This time there will be civil war dubbed “The 241,000 Civil War of Ghana 2013”


The widespread irregularities in the December 2012 Election characterized by over-voting, no biometric verification, duplicate serial numbers on pink sheets, no signatures by the Presiding officers. All these contributed to affect the outcome of the election, tilting it toward the NDC president.

The Ewe conspiracy to deny presidency to Nana Addo, an Akan, as seen by the antics of retired Judge Kpegah challenging Nana’s right to practice law, a quirky character by name Amekudzi calling for the petition to be thrown out and the Ewe media with their daily false news and concoctions on Nana Addo. The stealing and spending of billions of dollars of Akan wealth to fix an election that will continue to give Ewes and NDC total control of Akan wealth and resources and the perpetuation of stealing. I pity cocoa farmers, miners, the export sector for their hard work going to the coffers of NDC but they remain poor.

The biased Judges of The Supreme Court who have banded together with the responders comprising of the NDC president, EC and the NDC to frustrate and reject the NPP petition by any means necessary.

The reasons above are a reminder of the simmering anger among the Akans who are the majority in population and the cash cow of Ghana accounting for more than 80 percent of exports.

This calls for a moratorium on Akan resources which are dwindling fast as a result of collateralization by Ewes and NDC. It is time to borrow against resources from Gonjeweland (Northern, Upper and Volta) an NDC bastion which garners large votes for them. Akan resources are off-limits to these Gonjewelese ! NDC AND CORRUPTION

To allow a corrupt government like NDC to remain in power after stealing billions of taxpayer’s money to rig Election 2012 is a travesty. What sort of message are we sending to kids or the youth. Are we telling them it is alright to steal and get rewarded for it? No! The NDC got caught with its sticky fingers in the cookie jar and should be punished and humiliated before the whole world to serve as a deterrent. There is widespread corruption as evidenced by GYEEDA, 1.5 tons of Akan gold flown to Turkey without proper documentation, dumsor(rolling blackouts), unpaid salaries of professionals like doctors.


There is no other time but now to restore Akan hegemony. We have to be in control of our resources making sure the Akan areas get developed and hardworking farmers, miners, lumberjacks and those in the export sectors get well remunerated for their efforts. For this reason every household should contribute one person to fight for our liberation from tyranny of this minority Gonjewelese. Isn’t it a shame for a majority Akans with all the country’s resources to be under the despotic powers of NDC?

As the maxim goes, a new broom sweeps well and the way to keep Ghana moving on is the installation of a new government to jump start the stalled economy, revamp the electoral process etc.


They cannot use muscle flexing to cow the will of the majority. Their role is to protect from outside invasion and not to turn the gun on the opposition political party fighting for justice and truth. It is still not too late for them to go to Mali and fight soldiers. They only know how to fight unarmed civilians.

They have short memory of Tema where they were pummeled by unarmed youths. Worst things await them. They are very vulnerable only they don’t know and should desist from their intimidation tactics.

Burn, barracks, burn! This is by far the easiest way to defeat the evil uniformed personnel in Ghana. If innocent marchers are shot there will be consequences. All barracks in the country will be torched and they will have nowhere to go but be corralled. That is when the retaliation will begin. Then again this is war and can escalate when outside forces join in to crush the Gestapo forces in Ghana, if there is loss of civilian lives. Like in Libya where the army was pounded from the air into submission.


As the West coast from Angola all the way to Senegal goes into oil production and export it becomes attractive to pirates, the possibility of oil spill which affects the environment and livelihood for fishermen, disasters on oil rigs that our hospitals are not equipped to handle, terrorism as well as other security concerns that come with the territory.

It is time to lease land to foreign forces to police the seas as done by NATO forces off the Somalian coast. This will bring peace, stability in the sub-region and Ghana will be in a pole position to attract foreign investors which will result in the creation of jobs.

This will also cut down on military spending freeing money for education, health and infrastructure. Plus it will remove the military threat from Koku and his ilk who will show Akans where power lies.

Francis Baffour (Nom de Plume) California

Columnist: Baffour, Francis