
The 6 L's of travel

TravelArt Thinking of traveling?

Fri, 19 Feb 2016 Source: Jovago

Isn’t it boring to stay at one place for a very long time? Don’t you get tired of doing the same things over and over again?

It is about time you brought some spark into your life by travelling. Africa’s #1 online hotel booking portal,Jovago guides you through the 6 L’s of travel.

1.LAND - Probably the most important part of travel is to arrive.To land safely at your destination is really important as this marks the beginning of the whole experience.

Any traveller that has issues before or during the trip to his/her destination is almost likely not to have a memorable travel experience.

The frustration of missing a flight or bus coupled with not finding your hotel or getting the directions to your host mixed up is something every traveler wishes to avoid.

The one sure way of starting a vacation or travel right is to make sure you book flight, bus or train tickets in advance and confirm your seat to ensure you have a safe means of getting to your destination.

You can also do proper research and get accurate directions to your hotel or host location. Every first step in life is important and how you “land” should not be taken lightly at all.

2.LUGGAGE - How do you stay away from home for several days or weeks without your luggage? Without clothes, bathing accessories,gadgets etc. Many people say that “You have to look good to feel good” therefore if you travel without your luggage,you might as well go back home and return another time.

You need a completely packed luggage to enjoy your vacation or trip. To be very comfortable, you need to arrive at your hotel or hots location with your luggage intact. This helps you to pick anything you need at any given time.

In order to have a good experience away from home,you need to try as much as possible to bring your home with you.Never forget to pack well and keep your luggage with you at all times. Let your memory be your travel bag!

3.LEISURE - Everyone needs time off work and busy schedules. There is no reason to be stressed all the time.In fact it has a disastrous effect on your health if you are stressed all the time.

Health experts have often advised businessmen and people who do very strenuous activities to do something relaxing most of the time. Like exercising or hanging out to talk with friend etc. However, a very important element that can be used to destress is travel.

This can be done at every leisure opportunity. Once you find a time period where you have less work or there is an opportunity to get off work for a few days,take it. go somewhere far from home;place you have never been. Cool off,don’t think about work,relax,enjoy the ambience and freedom. This way you come back more refreshed and settled to continue achieving greatness.When in doubt,travel!

4.LIFE - Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.In order to have great fulfilment in life,you need to travel. See amazing things. Things that are far from your natural surroundings. Explore,have an adventure and live. You feel truly alive when you are close to nature.

So travel to mountains,beaches,rocks,caves and have a great time.Life doesn’t have to be boring and frustrating. Life doesn’t have to be depressing.Live a life of bliss and spark.Travel!!!

5.LOVE - Love what you do. Own it.Feel it. never go on a trip/vacation because you are forced to do so or because you have no choice. Take every opportunity to have fun and make memories.

Sometimes we travel for love. Either to meet a loved one, or to find love. Many of us also travel with the ones we love. Whatever the case is, once there is an element of love,the travel promises to be a very memorable one.

When you love what you do,there is no room for failure or frustration or depression.

You enjoy every bit of it and the benefits are just unimaginable.Live what you love!

6.LEARN - The purpose of every travel or vacation may be different for every individual but there is a common feature at the end of every trip.

This is the fact that the traveler learns or discovers something new. This varies from towns,cities,cuisine,games,history,culture,lifestyles,opportunities etc. Every traveler must always ensure to return from the trip or vacation with a newly acquired skill or information. We travel to learn. To know new things. Things we may never know if we stay at the same place forever.Travelling,it leaves you speechless and then turns you into a storyteller !

No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old,familiar pillows. - Lin Yutang.

It is very important to travel and experience new things. So at any given time in the year when you can make some time,just travel!!

Columnist: Jovago