
The Autocratic Mayor of Kumasi Metropolitan

Fri, 15 Oct 2010 Source: Tawiah, Francis

The Autocratic Mayor of Kumasi Metropolitan Don’t Know That Demonstration Is Part of Democratic Politics

The Kumasi Metropolitan Chief Executive says he is determined to ensure that the Ashanti Regional capital does not become the center of anti-government agitations. The autocratic (politician) mayor of Kumasi must first ask his self why people to go the street to Demonstrate. “There is no smoke without fire”. They simply demonstrate for their rights.

Mr. Samuel Sarpong is displeased that the city has played host to some recent demonstrations such as that of pressure group Alliance for Accountable Governance (AFAG), nurses, NDC activists and Prison Service officers.

What wrong is the Kumasi mayor seeing with workers demonstrating to be heard by the government for better condition of service?

The Kumasi Mayor who is probably because of inefficiency having, it difficult to go about such normal public issues like demonstrations, is thinking of stopping the current continuous demonstrations in the capital city of the Ashanti Region, with “force“, instead of negotiations. He insisted to reversing the trend because of the potential security problems demonstrations pose. “We are calling the attention of all Ghanaians that we will not sit down and allow Kumasi to be used as a demonstration ground,” the mayor stated.

He has may be forgotten or do not know that Demonstration is part of democratic politics and while a demonstration is registered by the police authorities it must be guided and given the necessary security.

FRANCIS TAWIAH (Duisburg – Germany)

Columnist: Tawiah, Francis