The writer, Elliot Senyo Fiadufe
It is increasingly becoming very difficult for people to take a stand as to whether Christians are permitted to take in alcohol or not. Some people believe that the scriptures frown on it, others believe that moderate intake is allowed but the scriptures disagree on drunkenness, the rest actually believe that the bible does not forbid the Christian from taking in alcohol but rather, it is a gift from God for medicinal purposes and to give joy to humans during celebrations and in time of agony.
The purpose of this article is not to declare the decision of the bible but to elaborate on the influence of alcohol on the personality of a person and most importantly Christians.
There are mainly two realms of existence for all humans; the spirit and the physical. One good thing about humans that makes them superior to other creatures is their ability to operate both in the spirit and in that the physical. Until now it has not been proven that animals also operate in the spirit but definitely we know they have bodies.
Romans 12:1 stated categorically that we present our bodies as a living sacrifice that is holy and acceptable to God and that is our spiritual worship, John 4 also noted that a time will come when true worshipers will worship in spirit and in truth, finally, 1 Corinthians 6:20 reinforces “for you were bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your bodies and in your spirits. The three scriptures without doubt explain the fact that humans live both in their physical bodies and spiritual.
There are three entities that are very important in the makeup of all humans; the body, spirit and soul. Also, there are three players in the operations of this world; God, man and the devil. God according to the bible is the creator of heaven and earth including everything in it, and He owns all things including man and the devil. God never goes against his Word; the Word of God is God himself and He never gives instructions that He cannot do.
In Genesis 1:28, God after creating man said; to have many children, fill the earth and take control of it. This statement gave man the utmost authority on earth to the extent that God himself cannot directly influence the earth and talk less of the devil (Satan) except through man, and the license is the mortal body of man. The scripture says God is spirit and all who worship Him must do so in the sprit. The earth belongs to people with physical bodies, without the body no one has authority here, including God Himself. With this, I mean God will always want to do things through humans with mortal bodies, though he could order trees to do the same.
Decisions are taken by men and God will be quiet because He will never influence anything on earth except, He God is given the permission. The devil is aware of this. He also does not have a body, he is a spirit. Satan wants the soul of man, just as God wants it too, so they all have to fight for it, but the rule is that man must decide by himself to either go to God or Satan.
If the decision must be taken by a man and only him or her then definitely the decision will be birthed in the mind and then transferred to the heart. Decisions in one’s life are taken in the subconscious mind and so to have fair play and to show autonomous control of humans on the decisions they make, Satan or God must not influence the mind prior to the decision-making, the mind of the decision taker should be left free without any influence; the reason God will always leave everyone to take the decision.
If one decides to follow Christ, that decision happens first in the mind (renewing of one’s mind or repentance). When one changes his or her mind consciously, Jesus now is invited to come to sit in the person's heart forever and His Spirit as well.
God sent His Son to come to earth having a human body so that He can influence the earth and have the same authority as other people with bodies or flesh on earth. He came with a gospel that as many as believed in Him would not perish. Note that
Satan does not have anyone as an agent to send to earth to do the same and bring people to his side; even in the garden of Eden, he had to borrow the body of a snake to be able to interfere and influence affairs on earth.
Satan is using a careful and yet-to-be-realized technique to get people onto his side. He feeds on people who take in alcohol steals them and lures them to his side. When one takes in alcohol and is intoxicated, the mind suffers a mental disorder called neurological complications such as numbness and short-term memory loss. This short-term memory loss grants Satan the ability to jump on the victim steal his or her ability to think consciously from him and make him or do his will against the choice of the person naturally.
When the individual continues taking in alcohol, he or she continues doing things against his will that will in the long run lingers in the heart and hence become a habit. That individual can be considered being already stolen by Satan unconsciously.
The choice is yours as a Christian whether to take in alcohol and lost your conscious thinking power or abstain from it.