
The Doctors: The case of Luis's family

Telenovelas New Doctor's don't believe in God because they think they know it all

Thu, 25 Mar 2021 Source: Isaac Poku

My wife and I are recovering from emotional trauma. This is after we have watched a particular scene from a TV series entitled "The Doctors." Our hurt was triggered specifically by the death of Dr Luis's son, Gabriel.

While watching this sad scene, we forgot that it was a movie. Herein, we joined Luis and his wife, Susana to mourn the death of their only son.

My interest in this piece rests on what happened a couple of days before the death of Gabriel. In futility, Dr Luis and his colleague doctors had exhausted all means available to help Gabriel.

They even brought in the best paediatrician but she could not save him. At this point, my wife and I were literally praying for Gabriel whose fate amusingly depended on the movie writer. However, Dr Luis and Susana never prayed. All they could do was wrap themselves in sorrow and watch their son die.

In unison, we kept screaming, "Won't you pray for your son?!" However, they couldn't hear us. It became obvious to us that they didn't believe in God. They had no ultimate being whose power was greater than their medical expertise.

All they had was their finite brains. In the long run, when Gabriel died, they wept uncontrollably. Since Susana relied so much on Luis's professional skills, she kept on blaming him for Gabriel's death.

This movie has demonstrated what people who don't believe in God go through. This is unbearable! How do they cope? No wonder many of such people commit suicide.

They end up their lives because all they have is this life. With this, I am not positing that their son would have automatically recovered if they believed in God. Even so, it is not impossible for God if it is in line with his will. In effect, they could have enjoyed some sense of security from the one who is all-powerful.

Just imagine if they had an accurate knowledge of God and believed in him. From God's revelation, we know that he is good (Mk 10:18), has unconditional love (Rom. 5:8), he is almighty (Rev. 1:8), and he knows and understands life issues far better than any other man (Is. 55:8, 9). If they knew this, their disposition would have been far different. They would have enjoyed unceasing hope, not because the child wouldn't have died, but because of the conviction of seeing him again even if what they feared happened.

In all these, I am astonished and sad that people would choose self-reliance instead of faith in God. I can't afford to miss the abundant joy and genuine promises in Christianity. Furthermore, God has given us Christ, whose sacrificial blood cleanses our sins.

Hence, we are convinced that we have a good standing with God and will be with him when he returns. Moreover, our guilt from insurmountable sins is no more, even though we try to live holy lives for God's glory.

For you, the sceptic, who says that Christianity is a man-made religion, are you sure of what you are saying? Can any man really develop such an in-depth rational life's purpose and redemptive plan for humanity? Unless you have not read the Bible carefully and with an open mind.

If you did, you would have recognized that the intelligence behind Christianity is unreachable and springs out from unconditional love. Please take your time to investigate Christianity, not from the unscrupulous wolves in sheepskin, but from the Bible itself. You will certainly come across sincere men and women who will help you on this journey.

If you wish to have hope here and beyond this world, then please embrace faith in Christ as soon as possible. If you wish to do so, you must believe in Christ (Mark 16:16), repent (change your mind) and consider him as Lord of your life (Acts 2:38), confess him as Lord (Romans 10:10), be baptized (Acts 22:16), be added to his church (Acts 2:47), and walk-in newness of life (Romans 6:3,4).

Columnist: Isaac Poku