
The Hypocrisy Of The Folks From The Trumpets Of Accountability

Tue, 31 Oct 2006 Source: Nuviadenu, Kobla

I have observed with great amusement and sometimes annoyance the behaviour of the opposition National Democratic Congress. The historical antecedents of this party is full of violence, vindictiveness and vengeance, which for a normal human being would have padlocked their mouths. Yet without shame, they have the moxie spirit to shout and defend the indefensible.

They are quick to sing or extol the virtues of "When we were in government," we did this, we started this, we initiated this, and so on. They go to the extent of claiming credit for the unaccountable period of the PNDC, where former President Rawlings was the monarch of all that he surveys and his word, the law. Yet when you point out the gross human rights violations, they are quick in the attempt to decouple the NDC from the PNDC. I have been wondering whether the members of the PNDC are any different from the NDC in its psyche, ideology and posture to National Politics.

On the page labelled (vii) of the NDC 2000 Manifesto, it states "the manifesto is particularly for our women folk to be recognized, respected and given their due places in the party, in Parliament and in Government." Let me make reference before my MBA Political Science Degree is withdrawn for plagiarism. Are these not the same women who were stripped bare and whipped without any disregard? They are a representation of our mothers, wives, daughters and nieces, that we so cherish.

Instead of reconciling themselves with the media who they have antagonized, they behave as if the media operated freely, during their reign. The spin doctors of the NDC are yet to convince me that they were not in support of the shit-bombing of Press Houses in Ghana. If you have taken your breakfast, sorry; but those were the days when some media houses highly critical of the then government found to their chagrin that human excreta has been dumped at their premises. What confirms the culpability of the NDC was the statement by Mr Kwamena Ahwoi to the effect that "The supporters of the NDC have not got the power of pen, but their strength lies in shit-bombing". This aptly fits the filthy explanation for a faithful act by agents of Government.

In the foreword to the NDC 2000 manifesto, J.J. Rawlings writes. 'We have promised nothing more than gainful hard make our individual and collective lives better." Its implicit meaning is that, there is the need for jobs. Yet when there is a job initiative, it is politicized. If indeed the NDC is committed to secure jobs through policy initiative, then I am holding my breath to hear their response or addition to the recently launched Youth in Employment Programme.

When the NDC stated beautifully that partisan politics can become one of the friendly competitions and not a contest in insults bordering on incitement to violence and public disorder, I have been wondering whether members of the functional executive/National Executive had the guts to call to order,Dr Tony Aidoo, whose stock in trade is to insult anybody with view contrary to his as "illiterates who lack the intellectual capacity to understand basic logic." on his usual participation on "The Alhaji & Alhaji" programme on Radio Gold.

Outside the purview of the listening public, they will tell you, Health Insurance is good for the country and yet NDC serial callers will always call to make disparaging remarks about the system which they have not registered for. To the critiques from the NDC, refer to the 1996 NDC Manifesto (page 36). R5ead carefully: "Health Insurance will be a major strategy for mobilising additional resources and for ensuring financial access in time of need" and continuous "we will review the cash and carry system in order to improve on its efficiency". The question then arises, if you did not implement it, do you oppose it? This is clearly "patapaa" opposition. . The paradox of the situation is that whereas the NPP identifies the cash and carry system as anti poor and proposes to replace it with the NHIS insurance system so that all will benefit, the NDC talks about the review of the cash and carry and at the same time talks about Health Insurance. I do not think NDC understands the import of the diametrically opposed views expressed in the Constitution.

Being in opposition is an opportunity for a critical self appraisal to right your wrong and offer tangible alternatives to Government policies. I am yet to see one alternative by the NDC except to hide under the guise of WAHALA/CJA marches to make noise on our street and may be (I say so cautiously) to burn out fat. Or it for comic relief by crying to be captured by the lenses of the TV cameras.

Lies, misinformation, propaganda, threats, blaming NPP for the dividing numbers of NDC are wrong prescription for the ailing NDC, whose agenda to denigrate President Kufuor that he has “so called twins” has failed. If indeed the unsubstantiated twin “cock and bull story” is true whey hasn’t a picture of these children been printed. The star witness of the NDC agenda claims she has gotten a baby or child less than seven years of age.

Time is catching up with you NDC, and like the proverbial cow when tethered or tied it is to be sold or slaughtered. Come December 2008, NDC goes to slaughter for the Coup de Grace.

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Columnist: Nuviadenu, Kobla