
The Lens Strips Mills Naked!

Thu, 10 Feb 2011 Source: Ibrahim, Faisal

In what could be described as a show of disappointment in the competence of President John Mills, the pro-NDC Newspaper, the Crystal Clear Lens in its Monday 7th February, 2010 edition carried a front page story titled “OH! Prez Mills- this is sad- too late to arrest “enemies of the nation” authored by its managing editor, Winson V.A. Addotey.

The pro-government newspaper which is noted for praise-singing this time decided to speak some truths about the true nature of President Mills. The newspaper is finally appreciating the concerns being raised by many Ghanaians about the president’s inability to exert his constitutional authority in ensuring the right things are done. The President has been described by many, even within the ruling party as “not in charge’ of affairs. Indeed, Former President Rawlings at the 31st December lecture made some disclosures about how President Mills had knowledge of the corruption his government but has done nothing to correct them. It is this same line of thought that the Crystal Clear Lens has finally come to terms with.

The story in its first paragraph describes the President’s “running to the Tema Ports and Harbour” after Anas’s Exposé as “pitiful”. The paper finds it incomprehensible that President Mills did not act for the many months of reports of corruptions and clear thievery but found it appropriate to only “run” to the Tema Port when Anas released his video. The disappointed NDC editor stated “in fact, I feel very sad and disappointed big time in that His Excellency had to move at this time when the story about these nation wreckers had been told nine (9) good months ago”

The newspaper also posed “was President Mills not in this country between the months of May and June 2010 when the Crystal Clear Lens broke the story on the nefarious activities of some importers and companies that have caused the nation to lose about three (3) trillion dollars through evading of taxes?” It is becoming increasingly clear that the projection of President Mills as honest and humble is hardly converting into any meaningful benefit to the nations fight against corruption. It is not enough to be said to be humble and honest when visible thievery is on going under your nose, and what is worse, you do not act on it.

Many have said the president must show leadership and act pro-actively on critical national issues. His inability to exercise his constitutional powers has apparently given the impression, he is president weak. This may have fuelled the ambitions of Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings to lead the NDC in 2012.President Mills seem to enjoy complaining about everything that retards the development of the country instead of instituting reforms that would correct them.

The pro-government newspaper asked “was President Mills not in the country when the Catalyst, the Daily Post, and the Daily Democrat gad carried out the same publication?” Going by the mind boggling questions posed by the pro-NDC newspaper, it shows President Mills has either lost touch with the realities on the ground or it goes to confirm the perception that the president is weak.




The author is an Associate Member of the Association of Business Executives, UK. He is also a blogger on facebook (

Columnist: Ibrahim, Faisal