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The NDC manifesto was brimmed with skimble skamble import

NDC Flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama NDC Flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama FotoJet(7) John Dramani Mahama

Thu, 29 Aug 2024 Source: Prof. Dinkum

When Jesus Christ descended to the world, there were puissant sovereigns and ethnarchs notably, the Roman Empire, which was being marshalled by King Pharaoh by that time: his impacts were in every quarter. A child birthed on the land he (King Pharaoh ) sways, had the undissolved appetite to usurp the throne of such King. The people didn't believe him - it was an arduous task, they murmured over it perpetually.

This child didn't jack in his effort to get his aim fulfilled - he grew up and commenced to infuse his visions into the people. His spring and tenacity kept him spotlighted to his hunger. He eventually lured the entire people through his penetrating and crisp ideologies: something people said, was like herding cats.

This synopsis of Jesus Christ has evoked me with the exponential eminence of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia on the ambit of our partisan politics. After, he had done with the parading of his objectives to Ghanaians, where it has intrigued applauds from far and wide _ we thought John Dramani Mahama, the self-styled experienced driver had broadened his horizon and attained the cognizance to provoke Dr. Bawumia's intellectual deliveries with enhanced ones, only for us to cognize that, his Manifesto was chock- a- block with jumblements. In fact, John Mahama's manifesto was an echolalia of Dr. Bawumia's own and also, a piracy of Dr. Bawumia's ideas. He had no recourse than to snaffle the deep-seated projects of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia. John Mahama has showcased to every single Ghanaian, he is lousy at spinning the country, for his aspirations are duds.

John Mahama opined contemptibly that, he would ban family and appointees from acquiring state assets. I become befuddled always at how John Mahama continued to estimate, that he could disparage the acumen of Ghanaians. This is one of his Achilles heels, and as such, when he tries to be immune to it, it, however, puts his integrity into the nadir. To expose his detriments, he signed off 58 percent of the country’s total bauxite reserves to Exton Cubic, a company owned by his brother, Ibrahim Mahama after he was defeated in the 2016 general elections, which was estimated at US$ 300 billion in monetary terms.

As if that was enough, additionally, he also signed off almost 80 percent of the Keta oil basin, which was estimated at US$ 350 billion to Heritage Oil in 2014, a company owned by his brothers, Ibrahim Mahama and Alfred Mahama. Recently, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) transmitted that, some of his appointees under his presidential regime squandered $8, 409, 400 for the purchase of lush apartments in Dubai. He cannot milk our stillness for his political drama this time round.

Did you say, you would create jobs for the youths when reelected, Mr. John Mahama? This is Boffola and Banana: indeed a shaggy-dog story. Ghanaians aren't absentminded, for him to block our minds out. Someone, who accentuated once upon a time that he wasn't a magician to create jobs for the youths is here clamoring to facilitate jobs for the youths in the unlikely case, that he is given the presidential mandate again. Is this not an oxymoron of vapidity? How he has opted to progressively slander his reputation willy-nilly for the hundred to one presidential feat is compulsive. He isn't copper-bottomed for Ghanaians to entrust him with their votes. His discrepancies have provided enough pull for the electorates to treat him like a persona non grata in the upcoming election.

The double track system was systematically and strategically sprung, because the NPP government didn't want the prospective students to over people themselves in the various Senior High Schools, hence devised such mythology to stunt this menace. I can tell him sanguinely that, most schools that were in this circumstances have been amalgamated and practically, all the other schools shall follow the same suit in a heartbeat: all the salient protocols to junk it are in the pipeline at this very moment. However, he shouldn't have mentioned this, since it isn't nifty.

I have got this brain wave, let's presume, unfortunately, the NPP couldn't redline the double track system and mischievously, the NDC Party takes over _ according to their outlandish 24-hour economy policy, wouldn't the double track system fall within that bracket, since it entails interminable rotational phases, which as per their syllogism of that policy, it would centre around the shift systems? It has been an indication, that their flagbearer, who brought energy to this disingenuous policy had given breath that, it is an unavailing blueprint. How ironic it is!

John Mahama said he was a 'dead goat' and since, a dead goat has no life and the mental capacity to weigh up tacks for the amelioration of a country and as well, a proscription for a 'dead person' in this case, to man the mortal beings, therefore, it is expedient to shrug off his presidential quest. I do say this invariably, John Mahama's raison d‘etre is to peculate and perish the entire country. He has no formidable and habile schedules to zhuzh up this country.

Columnist: Prof. Dinkum