The Quantum Resonance Analyser
I had never heard of the Quantum Resonance Analyser till I visited an Alternative medicine Clinic three years ago, accompanied by my mother. The clinic is situated in Asamankese, and the visit to the facility was my mother's idea.
I asked my mother her reason for insisting we journeyed from Dome all the way to Asamankese to get healthcare. She began to school me on an amazing device that the clinic used. According to her, the machine could diagnose one's ailments by just placing one's hand on it, no blood samples needed. I was very fascinated and could not wait to see this all- knowing device.
The machine I saw had Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyser, printed on it. The device looked similar to a small briefcase, connected to a computer. When the device was opened, it exposed a "sensing area" which was indicated by the outline of a human palm.
To get a health assessment, I was instructed to place my palm on the "sensing area" for a minute. The machine made a humming noise and vibrated once I established contact with it. After 5 minutes, I had my test results in my hands. Though I have long disposed of the test results, I remember that it consisted of a long list of parameters and a warning about high cholesterol and kidney damage.
I asked the machine operator to explain how the device worked as I could not wrap my head around how the results were obtained. He mumbled some unintelligent words about magnets. Long story short, I disregarded the results from this test as hokum, much to my mother’s chagrin.
Why did I think this test to be utter nonsense?
I studied biomedical engineering in the University of Ghana, and so had done a course on the technologies used in medical imaging and diagnostics. I know that to look at the structures inside the body, one would have to get images using radiations (in the case of x-ray and Computer Tomography (CT)scans), sound waves (in the case of ultrasound) or super magnetism (in the case of magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). I also know that body fluids were best suited to test for parameters such as white blood cell counts, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, etc.
Since this suspicious device was being used to give diagnosis for treatment, I decided to do a little research on this device.
About the device
One selling site described the Quantum Resonance Analyser (QRA) as a device that collects weak magnetic field of human cells and then determines the health status of a person.
The machine comes in two forms, the type that looks like a suitcase with a sensor area (like the one I saw at the herbal clinic) and the type that looks like a small portable box with a probe. The analyser comes with a computer program, which is loaded onto a regular laptop. It is this computer program that converts the weak magnetic field into health figures
To get a health assessment using the device, one must hold the probe firmly, or put their palm on the sensing area (depending on which quantum analyser you use). A health report will then be printed out for the client.
The device supposedly generates reports by sending out sixty thousand waves into the body and then reads the magnetic frequency of every cell. A malaise cell will emit weak magnetic frequency. Frequencies are converted by the software and results are compared to a medical database.
Findings that raised my eyebrows:
1. There is no scientific paper to support the accuracy of this device
While there were scholarly papers to prove the authenticity of regular diagnostic devices used in hospitals, I did not find one to support the authority of this quantum resonance analyser.
2. There was no evidence of WHO approval or FDA approval
My search for any kind of FDA (Not only Ghana) approval over the Internet proved futile.
Although the device has certification (CE) which allows its sales on the European market on the European market, this certification does not show evidence of third-party testing, it's not a mark from certified European test bodies (FDAs) and is not a quality assurance declaration.
3. There was no explanation on how the machine works
I did not find any scientific explanation on how waves released into the body translates into magnetic frequency emissions. I know for a fact, that cells in the body give off electric signals, not magnetic frequencies.
4. It is cheap
One can purchase this device from Chinese vendors for as low as 400gh.
5. Other writers who were interested in knowing about this machine, concluded that the diagnosis of the machine could not be trusted. (article by Neuroskeptic in the 31st January, 2015 edition of Discover Magazine)
Some YouTubers (Alexander Todorov, minko168, Jørgen A. Jacobsen. ) have performed experiments on this device to authenticate claims made by manufacturers. Example, vlogger
Alexander Tolorov entered a random age, height and weight into unto the QRA software. He then wrapped a wet towel around the probe of the device to fool it into thinking there was human contact. The device started to generate results.
Minko168 dismantled the machine to reveal a very small mother board attatched to the screen of the device and a lot of empty space.
The YouTuber, Jørgen A. Jacobsen had this to say about the Quantum Resonance Analyser after he had performed an experiment similar to genebaq’s:
“The results must simply come from the data we put in; age, gender, height, weight. From that the software can make many things seem like a hit to believers. That animation running when there is contact, may look fancy, may look impressing, but I am quite sure that it is just the same animation over and over.”
Of course, there were the comments that bashed the findings of these experimenters and praised the efficacy of the Quantum Resonance Analyser.
Would I trust this device?
NO! Not one bit! Where do I even start from? I don't know if the same probe "emitting waves into my body" is the same probe getting the feedback of magnetic reading! I don't know how a magnetic field can be created without magnets! Why isn’t there a single scholarly article supporting this "technology"? Why hasn't it been cleared by Worldwide FDAs for use in accredited hospitals?
The part that frightens me most is the use of this device in diagnosing ailments.
In summary, I think products sold as “quantum resonance” medical devices on the market today, may not be providing any useful medical information. Until this technology has been properly validated, I would advise the public not to trust any Quantum Resonance device with the job of assessing health and diagnosis of ailment.
Youtube videos referenced in this article