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The Shame of Ex-President Rawlings and Some Media Men

Wed, 15 Apr 2009 Source: Boateng, Nana Yaw

I have come to realise that Ghanaians hate the truth and will do everything to protect falsehood. Today, as I write this article, I have been proven right in all the issues, I raised in my last article entitled “President Mills, NDC MPs and NDC leadership Exposed.” (Ghanaweb: 30th March 2009). When it was published, NDC swamp of bees on GHANAWEB jumped on me and started stinging me for telling the truth. But I say thank you to those who commended and encouraged me. Meanwhile, I demand an apology from those who slugged me unreservedly.

It is very interesting standing-by and seeing NDC disintegrating whilst NPP is shaping itself for the task ahead. Once again, let me state that my informant in NDC tells me the party is likely to break-up. The new party is likely to be President Mills’ supporters who want to call the bluff of Mr Rawlings and his hawks and gangsters. The recent campaign in Jirapa has provided clues in that direction. President Mills has actually put this man and pro-NDC media to shame for not following their hawkish agenda.

The President Mills’ faction thinks that persecuting former government ministers is not the best whilst the hawks led by Rawlings want even ex-president Kufuor arrested and investigated. Such is the state of the confusion in the ruling party and it is set to continue for a long time.

Three months into the administration of the NDC, the indications are that Ghanaians are frustrated more than they ever thought. They wish NPP were in power today. The economy within this period is morbid and anaemic. At the moment what is the president telling Ghanaians? Why the silence? The thuggish and rough tactics of the (P)NDC is back in full force. But it is good that it is the NPP and their media friends who are setting the agenda for Ghana and it is a good check on the marauding murderers in the NDC who want to destroy Ghana. In fact the NPP is the only party that can rule Ghana successfully but not a group of criminals who for nineteen odd years could not lead the country anywhere but into the darkest days in Ghana’s history.

All the favourable reviews the NPP gets in the media and from the international community attest to the fact that Mr Kufuor and his administration provided an unprecedented development for Ghana. The NPP media machinery, I salute you for the good work you are doing for mother Ghana. The last time I stated this basic fact, I was taken on by the frustrated NDC media led by Konkonsa. I am happy because it shows that I hit them hard. As I write almost all the pro-NDC media are all but set to go against president Mills for not acknowledging their contribution. Listen to them on radio and you could hear and see their anguish.

Is it not true today that president Mills and his government are closer to the pro-NPP media than the pro-NDC media? When I said this I was insulted, but look at what happened recently at the Statesman offices. The NDC Information minister, Zita Okakoi never went to thank the pro-NDC media for their help during the election, where she went was the opposition newspaper the Statesman’s office. It is even alleged that she stole a mobile phone there. You see, once again I have been proven right.

If you listen to how the NDC media led the attack on NPP and President Kufuor’s government, it was worrying and shameful. And today I am going to name and shame the choir leaders of the clique who led the crusade against the past administration which led to the sorry state Ghana is in today without a clear cut direction. These people Ghanaians must know them and I am equally happy that the pro-NPP media has won the media war for the NPP and 2012 will be there for our taking. After monitoring the media before, during and after the last elections the media men whose name come to mind are; Kwesi Pratt (Insight), Ametor Kwame (Palava), Raymond Archer (Enquirer), Konkonsa, Alhassan S Suluni, James Agyenim Boateng, Rowland Acquah Stevens, etc (Radio Gold), Seidu Kpedu, Janet etc. (GFM Radio, London), Victor Smith (Weekly Standard), Fiifi Kwetey (Lens), The Democrat and others I could not get their names before writing this piece.

In fact these people went to town with all sort of venom creating the impression that the previous administration was the worst thing that ever happened to Ghana. Ghanaians should not only blame the politicians but also these media men who are suppose to know and to tell the people the truth. When my idol, Sheikh Abdul-Malik Kweku Baako, Egbert Faible, Alfred Ogbamey, Kwame Sefa Kai, Ben Epson, Paul Adom Otchere, Gabby Otchere Darko, Gifty Anti, Randy Abbey, Ken Kuranchi and all the best journalists in Ghana were busily promoting the image of Ghana and also explaining government policies to the people of Ghana, their counterparts on the other side with the NDC were busily destroying the country. The average Ghanaian is in a quagmire and life is no more the same as it was little over three months ago.

I monitored the media closely together with some friends and it was shocking that some media men could stoop so low without any particle of shame. Good always thrives over evil. That is why the lives of the pro-NPP media men are better than their counterparts whose evil intention has led them nowhere but into misery. The visit of the minister of information, Zita Okaikoi to the Statesman’s office tells me that the NDC government led by President Mills has realised that the only good media in Ghana is the pro-NPP media, so they must endeavour to lure them onto their side.

I have written this follow-up article because of the impression the NDC activists created that I didn’t know what I was about when I wrote the last article. I didn’t listen to Konkonsa’s programme; a friend did and drew my attention to it, so I decided to listen to it again on their affiliate station GFM radio (London) and I was not surprised at all. But I can proudly say that all the issues I mentioned in that article are happening. Why is ex-president Rawlings raving, why is Zita going to the Statesman’s office and allegedly stealing a mobile phone? And am I not right when I said the coffee shop mafia is much powerful now even in an NDC government, and are the pro-NDC media men not frustrated and complaining bitterly that they are not gaining anything from the NDC government? Apart from James Agyenin Boateng of radio Gold who may not be complaining the rest are livid.

I wish is to see a very strong NPP challenging the NDC in every facet of governance and to ensure total victory for our party in 2012. I was happy to hear that Nana Addo and ex-president Kufuor met to strategise for the unity of the party. The elders of the party should also be helping the executives of the greatest tradition of Ghana politics. We shall match NDC boot for boot whether they like it or not. Already the nominations of the MMDCEs are causing pandemonium and mayhem across the country. It is playing well for the NPP, the future (2012) looks good and victory will sure be ours.

I will fire back shortly, once again to make the NDC and their media friends panick.

Nana Yaw Boateng

Columnist: Boateng, Nana Yaw