
The Usurper

Tue, 14 Apr 2009 Source: Rasspee, L.

It is far from the truth when Mr. Chicken calls Mr. Eagle, coward. But placing the C-word on the head of Eagle would not alter the fact that Mr. Eagle has a record of bravery even better than that of Mr. Hawk, the chief abuser and harasser of Chicken. This name calling is preposterous, therefore; it has to be thrown off the head of Eagle before something sinister happens. Therefore, the question that begs for an answer is; who is the real coward? “Who the cup fit, let him wear it” the legendary reggae musician, Bob Marley said in a song.

Jerry J. Rawlings had the audacity to spew out the venom in him by calling out that there are usurpers hiding in the current NDC government. However, he did not name them. For someone who usurped power two times in the past, 1979 and 1980, probably, we have to listen to him. He knows those of his kind for the saying goes, it takes a witch to identify a witch. The weirdest thing is that, J.J Rawlings has given President J.E.A. Mills an ultimatum to accede to his wishes and prosecute former NPP without delay for crimes yet unknown. To Jerry J. Rawlings, damn with the rule of law, because he alone could point out some honest men even in the SMC (Joshua Hamidu) and spare their lives. Those he deemed corrupt were murdered by firing squad.

Rawlings is someone notorious for acts of vendetta, megalomania and impetuousness. He is known to have assaulted a former vice president, John Ackaah and other ministers who dare speak sense or argue intellectually at meetings during his rule. Therefore, all those who worked under him in the past were in constant fear of him. The current President John Atta-Mills is no exception; he was obsequious to Rawlings and probably is now. I am not a psycho-analyst but intuitively I would opined that Rawlings still sees himself as President Mills’s boss. He would not accept anything less than the potentate who he believes he is. Hence at Jirapa, he issued ultimatum to President Mills to embark on extra-judicial action by rounding up former NPP ministers, arbitrary charging them and throwing them in jail within the next six months. Just like he did it in past. Like the Machiavellian Prince that he is, he ascribes to the principle that “it is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.’’ As long as Ghanaians would allow him to go on unchallenged, he would perpetuate this amoral political playbook of one Niccolo Machiavelli on us.

It is now known that JJ Rawlings has gone on rampage, going around Burma camp and Kotoka International Airport inspecting fighter planes. Is this an act of war or intimidation? President J.E.A. Mills speak out. Is Jerry John not a private citizen like anyone else? Silence on this is not enough. You have been silent on the ex-gratia issue, President Kuffour’s offices, Ga-Adangme Youth. However, do not abrogate your responsibility as the President of Ghana who has sworn to faithfully uphold the constitution of Ghana by maintaining our much cherished peace and security of the citizens. Your silence is being taken to be your weakness. Your outburst that you are the only president of Ghana was not good enough but dastard. Tell your boss to the face to cease and desist from subverting you. Else he hangs around your neck as an albatross. Do not fall to the chicanery of Rawlings and become a victim like one other Prof. Dr. Hilla Limann. The Rawlings, Junior Jesus, Man of the common people, to mention a few to describe this man who burst into the national scene in 1979. We were crazy for him and in bed with him. He made us believed that he was our humble servant, tire sandals wearing, yoko-gari eaten and palm wine drinking commoner. He would require foreign dignitaries to meet him in tents and under mango trees. But for nineteen plus years this man Rawlings would prove that he is just for himself. A narcissist. He would ride horses, fly airplanes, sleep in air conditioned mansions, bath in swimming pools, drink foreign brewed whiskeys and educate his children abroad. And when he left office in 2001, he did not choose to live in Nima, Korle-Gonno, Sukula or Zongo but in five bungalows at Ridge.

Mr. J.J. Rawlings now that we know who you really are, desist from name callings. Since you are infallible and all knowing spare us this time from an impending disaster of war that may emanate from you temper tantrum, or impetuous nature. Rather, be joyfully retired, although your appetite and craving for power is not diminished nor quenched. Although we know that there are those who would follow you no matter what, and they are forever susceptible to your deceptions time and time again, but restrain yourself and stay retired. Back to your famous play book, Mr. Prince (Rawlings) “One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived.” Niccolo Machiavelli. We are aware of what you read. Mr. Rawlings, We know that you would always get followers for there are a segment of the people who would not think of national wealth creation but are ever ready to share. They have this aluta mentality but not working mentality. They are quick to call every leader, businessman or wealthy person a thief or julor but have never paid any tax. Please Mr. Citizen, think of what you can do for Ghana and not what Ghana can do for you. But you genuine thieves out there, the courts and prison await you. By the way, the usurper question has not yet been answered, but looking at the evidence presented so far it seems that Mr. Rawlings your befit the image of the usurper. Please consider the following credentials of yours, two times coup maker, dictator of P/NDC, tendency to kill or jail political opponents, beating of subordinates, mentality to overthrow leaders you disagree with. Mr. Rawlings you are the usurper but you would do more good by naming your likes in the current Mills administration. The cup fits you so you would continue to wear it. THE USURPER

L. Rasspee Virginia, U.SA 4/10/2009

Columnist: Rasspee, L.