
The ban on grains must not provide volume of politicism

Bags Of Grain File photo

Thu, 3 Oct 2024 Source: Alex Kyeremeh

I was shocked to the core when after a ban has been imposed on the exports of grains, a ring of the NDC advocates have gone off at a tangent of it. The habit of the NDC leaders/activists in making a Horlicks of their Political mileage is the brain for their perennial presence in opposition.

No one can whisk them off to rationalism, principally, where one had known the antiquity of the Party for ages - the reason, why their leaders persistently, whip the policies of the New Patriotic Party. Facetiously, they will advert to, queering the pitch for Ghanaians. But straight up, that has been their matter of course since the Abrahamic age.

Meanwhile, en route to the moratorium on the grains, the government set forth the meats and the nuts and bolts of that step taken _ quite usual of the NDC performers, you will get those, who may indulge in Political drudgery in relation to every efficacious approach by this government.

The NPP government being a solicitous and receptive body, whose elemental motive is to succour and hearten our food supply and the wider interests of our venerated farmers, savvied to activate this step, aims to avert a potential food shortage generated by drought-induced crop clinkers.

This cracking observation by the government has exasperated the characters of the NDC Party, in order to be lemon about this tack on the premise that, the path adopted by this present-day government is to suppress votes. This thought of them is preposterously off-beam!

This hasn't been the maiden démarche taken by the government of Ghana for the first time in Africa _ in fact, Burkina Faso, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt have had a ban on the exports of their grains/foods in 2022 when the Russia-Ukrainian war became the cynosure of people's eyes, coupled with other diaspora countries also. Until the dryness of the current weather in the North goes into dormancy, the NPP government shall insulate the exportation of our grains strategically and sagaciously. The continuous dry weather has baulked crop production in the Country.

Around 1.8 million hectares (4.45 million acres) of land are at peril, with farmers growing food on around half that area impacted already. Maize, rice, groundnut, soybean, sorghum, millet and yam are the worst hit. As of now, around 62% of Ghana's annual grain supply regions have been influenced by this catastrophe. According to the United Nations and the African Union, Africa is heating up at a faster rate than the rest of the planet and enduring more austere climate and weather disasters such as droughts.

This is why the government through extensive colloquy, devised this stratagem to make grains get-at-able in the country and it has nothing to do with electoral manipulations, as how the misanthropic and gloom-ridden individuals of the NDC Party have conceptualized.

To all intents and purposes, Ghana was expected to export 15,000 tonnes of wheat in 2024-25, according to an April report from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture. Last year, it exported 12,000 tonnes. The president has a good conscience for the well-being of the farmers in the country - he puts farmers on a pedestal, likewise any other profession. He has no volition to sap or suck them dry.

We have noticed how the NDC Chiefs are exhibiting their prima - donna behaviours, until hell freezes over for triumph in the general election: the greatest pipe dream. They are the nation's vandals and they have zip for the country than to fleece the opulent resources by degrees.

Columnist: Alex Kyeremeh