
The class struggle in Ghana

Mon, 4 Jul 2016 Source: Abdul-Yekin, Kofi Ali

The Class Struggle is not a phenomenon limited to Ghana buy a global phenomenon that reflect itself in the culture of any socio-Eco-political group. So depending on the scope at the which we want to look at things, we can have expressions like; Class Struggle in Ghana, the Class Struggle in West Africa, the Class Struggle in Africa and the Global Class Struggle. Which ever one we choose, the definition of what we meant by Class Struggle must be clear and the consideration of the fact that no group or culture in the world exist in isolation of others. So based on the above considerations, we shall be starting by defining Class Struggle, as the context and culture in which we are going to be looking at the classes is what defer.

What is a Class? A class in socio anthropological context refer to categorization of group members based on access and control over the group's effort in the creation and consumption of wealth. It is a socio cultural division by which a society categorise her member in role playing for the intrinsic to goal of the group. It is the classification of members of a socio cultural group, where each individual is prepared in advance on the role he or she has to play, based on the class each person finds him or her self. Societies use several factors as means of indoctrinating members into their respective groups. Superstition, religion, institutionalised laws and traditions are all means by which social classification of group membership are established. Some people conceive socio cultural classification as a natural phenomenon and frown seriously on any effort to distort or influence the established statuesque.

What then is meant by the term "Struggle" as associated with class? The term struggle as related to class in socio anthropological sense means the dynamics by which the various components of the group's classifications employ their energies in sustaining or reforming the statuesque. This further imply, the voluntary or involuntary exertion of each class force as a group, over other components, to the advantage of its members and other class react in response.

Class Struggle therefore refer to all socio-eco-political efforts made by the divides of the group membership to uphold their respective group role and the associated benefits, on production and consumption of the group's wealth. Class division of group membership and therefore struggle, is not peculiar to any particular society. This is a common phenomenon to every dociety. Sociologist have this classes divided into the upper, middle and the lower class. Since class struggle is a group phenomenon, every culture or nation have its people existing in accordance to this class system and therefore the struggle.

But why the class? Why the struggle? And why is the Ghanaian class struggle phenomenons of interest to other classes far outside the shores of Ghana? If class struggle is common to all cultural groups and every classification of the group is constantly working to increase or sustain the advantage the group is having over others, is it fair to tag the politicians leading in the group's struggle as Socialists, Communists and Capitalists? Does this mean only the so called Socialist and Communist believe in doing something positive about the class struggle? What tag will you accord individuals like the once US President, Abraham Lincoln who have to go to war in fighting for cultural reform that resulted in the equality of man caused by the existing class membership and roles in place?

The best way of doing justice to the subject is writing a book, comprehensively researched to provide as much answers as possible to the questions raise above. In doing this, the book will be inspired by Kwame Nkrumah's "Class Struggle in Africa". This book will provide us the perfect base in serving as a guide to the journey we shall be undertaking.

It is also fair to take you through how I stumble over the choice of topic and why? I have just left the Ahodwo Radio studio in London as a challenged person, than I was when I entered the studio that morning as a guest. I found myself challenged by the question of the host Gifty Andoh Appiah, on whether one of the famous Nkrumah's quotation of "if the African is given the chance, he will prove to the world that the Blackman is capable of mangling his own affirs", is a failed prophecy or not? I realized that my co-guest Maxwell Ofori Atta of the NPP (New Patriotic Party) has a different understanding of the trminologoes contained in the quotation and therefore his interprtations, when the question was directed at him. The impression Maxwell gave me in his response to the question betrayed the view of most Ghanaians. It turned out that while Maxwell base his interpretations on limiting the meaning of "Africa" as an alternative name for Ghana and the Blackman to mean the Ghanaian, I held a different position by my interpretations of the terms in the quot.

So while I took the expression "Africa" to mean a political platform like the African Union in which every citizen of the Union will be equal democratic mandate as basis for self actualisation, Maxwell had his focus on Ghana as the political platform in which every Ghanaian could have equal opportunity for self actualisation. Yes, we both did justice to the question from our respective positions, I found myself wondering where the problem might have stem from. I however could not go on with the question competing for answers in my mind while Gifty professionally switched on other topics of equal Importance.

On leaving the studio after the program, I found myself in company of Gideon Okan who represented NDC (National Democratic Congress) who drove me to a shop that had books for sale among its other important stock. It was Gideon who had business doing in the shop but he was giving me a lift and so in his company. I could not remove my eyes from the book titled "The Class Struggle in Africa" with Nkrumah's picture stirring at me. I was somehow convinced that should be the case.

I could not stop saying to myself that the solution to why there is contention on Nkrumah's quotation lies somewhere in the book stirring at me. I picked up the book, scan through and noticed that it is less than 90 pages, as against my last book titled "the Darker Side of Ghana" with over 250 pages. The price is about £28, but I still feel I need the book. I asked for price confirmation with the hope of coming back. But sensing that I was interested in the book, Gideon insisted on paying for it in addition to what he is purchasing. Of course the concerns of "gift" and "bribe" crossed my mind but I am not an employee of the state of the Republic of Ghana, serving in any form of official capacity.

The titled of the book "The Class Struggle in Africa" leaves me with the question of why did Nkrumah chose the name "Africa" when the name "Ghana" would have perfectly fit in? It never crosses my mind that Nkrumah is the type that confuses Ghana with Africa or Ashantiman with the state of Ghana. I doubted Nkrumah intentionally chose to mislead the Ghanaian into holding the notion of meaning the continental political establishment when he actually meant Ghana as a political entity. But since the majority hold such delusion of confusing Ghana with Africa, or the African with the Ghanaian, it is very important to exploit the content of this very book in search of where the ambiguities might be coming from.

Please look out for the book soon to be authored and publish by Kofi Ali Abdul Yekin titled "The Class Struggle in Ghana" as you might have read Nkrumah's "The Class Struggle in Africa". Going through both books will allow you to see some striking difference that might be insightful experience to you. Please bear in mind that Kofi Ali has not come to condemn the work of the Great Prophet or belittle it in any form or shape, but to fullfill the Prophet's great work. For, I and the Father are one!

Kofi Ali Abdul-Yekin CEO ERA ( ECOWAS Citizens Right Advocates) Founder GPPP ( Ghana Poor People Party) 0447737224787, 0447984445344, 00233266 Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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Columnist: Abdul-Yekin, Kofi Ali