Evangelist Patricia Asiedu (Agradaa)
The contemporary proliferation of religious nonsense within the christian ecosystem is something that overly saddens my soul as a devoted christian.
Agradaa's precipitous transmogrification from a fetish priestess to a so called evangelist is one which is not applicable in any serious jurisdiction. Processes were short circuited by other men of God to ordain her as a so-called woman of God. This is a move that is unlikely to happen in other religions like Islam.
Such occurrences in the Christian domain has weaponized many atheists to question the seriousness of the Christian faith.
It seems our president does not have the testicular fortitude to replicate what his compatriot Paul Kagame has implemented in Rwanda which has successfully sanitized the Christian space.
Agradaa anthropomorphize insults and in fact she has the penchant for raining vile insults on just anybody on social media. The same tongue she uses to preach her so called word of God. Are we serious as a country at all?
This unserious character has carved for herself a niche of religious rascalism. The Christian faith has now been reduced to rags on Agradaa's altar. The preaching of the word of God has now become a mere comical display by the likes of Agradaa and other Christians nonchalantly look on.
Her reckless outbursts on social media has made her a stooge of dishonesty, hence no serious Christian will follow such a character but unfortunately the gullible ones fall prey to her fraudulent stratagem.
Her obsolete attitude constitutes a gross misrepresentation of the tenets of Christianity. And such religious irritants cannot be allowed to continuously derail our religious landscape.
The Christian Council must quickly move in to sanitize the Christian atmosphere!