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The frequent and unchecked use of painkillers: A Concerning trend among footballers in Ghana

Dr Chidi.jpeg Dr. Aniemena-George Chidi is a sports medicine specialist

Mon, 15 Jul 2024 Source: Dr. Aniemena-George Chidi

There are various short-term and long-term health risks this habit poses. Drugs like Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, and opioids like Tramadol, Morphine, and others are consumed in large doses and frequency just to curb various musculoskeletal pain.

Short-Term Effects

1. Immediate Pain Relief

• Benefits: NSAIDs and opioids provide rapid and effective relief from pain, giving players a false feeling of wellness. Thus, players continue training and competing despite injuries or soreness.

• Risks: Masking pain can lead to further injury as players may not adequately rest or address the underlying cause of pain.

1. Gastrointestinal Problems

• NSAIDs: These drugs can cause gastrointestinal irritation, leading to symptoms such as stomach pain, nausea, and even ulcers or gastrointestinal bleeding.

• Opioids: Common side effects include constipation, nausea, and vomiting.

1. Kidney Function

• NSAIDs: Can impair kidney function, especially when taken in high doses or without adequate hydration.

• Opioids: Can cause dizziness, blurred vision, and affect kidney function.

1. Awareness and Motor Impairment

• Opioids: Can impair cognitive function, gross and fine motor skills, affecting reaction times, decision-making, and coordination on the field of play.

Long-Term Effects

1. Chronic Health Challenges

• NSAIDs: Long-term use can cause chronic kidney disease, increased risk of cardiovascular events (e.g., heart attacks and strokes), and chronic bleeding in the stomach and intestines.

• Opioids: Long-term use can cause hormonal issues (e.g., reduced testosterone levels) and decrease the ability to innately fight infections, making players more susceptible to infections they would normally not have.

1. Overwhelming Dependence and Addiction

• Opioids: These drugs have a high risk for dependence and addiction. Chronic use can lead to physical dependence, where the body now needs more of the drug to function normally.

• NSAIDs: While these drugs are not typically addictive, unchecked use can lead to misuse and potential overdose.

1. Risk to Mental Wellness

• Opioids: Long-term and indiscriminate use is associated with anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. Withdrawal symptoms can also pose severe psychological distress.

• NSAIDs: Chronic pain and injury management challenges can lead to distressing mental health problems, which can be worsened by the overuse of these medications.

1. Negative Effects on Performance and Career Longevity

• Masking Injuries: Continuous use of painkillers to conceal injuries can lead to chronic conditions and an abrupt end to a promising career due to underlying issues that were never attended to.

• Increase in Physical Decline: The health risks associated with prolonged use of painkillers can result in a decrease in fitness, negatively affecting performance and recovery.


1. Education and Awareness

• Athletes: Should be educated on the risks associated with the incessant use of NSAIDs and opioids, as well as alternative pain management strategies.

• Medical Guidance: Efforts should be made to ensure that the use of painkillers is strictly monitored by designated medical professionals who can monitor dosages and observe for signs and symptoms of misuse.

1. Alternative Pain Management

• Encouraging Physical Therapy: Physiotherapy and rehabilitation protocols can be used to manage pain and reduce time loss to injuries.

• Adequate Rest and Recovery Regime: Emphasizing the vital role of rest and proper recovery protocols to mitigate chronic injuries.

• Non-Drug or Non-Pharmacological Modality: The use of conventional methods such as icing, appropriate heat, massaging, and monitored acupuncture to manage pain.

1.Strict Regulation and Monitoring

• Enforcing Strict Laws: On the distribution and use of painkillers within football clubs.

• Regular Monitoring: Regular health check-ups and monitoring for signs of drug misuse or dependence should be encouraged.

In conclusion, the unchecked use of painkillers among footballers in Ghana presents significant risks to both their short- and long-term well-being and performance. Addressing this problem requires a multidisciplinary approach involving the Ghana Football Association and the Ministry of Health, educating, regulating, and promoting the use of alternative pain management strategies and preventing the indiscriminate use of painkillers. By taking these steps, the health and longevity of players' careers can be better protected.

Columnist: Dr. Aniemena-George Chidi