
The great deception: Understanding the economic ineptitude and corruption of the NPP

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Mon, 1 Jul 2024 Source: Cletus Siebune

In the annals of Ghana's political history, the rise of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to power in 2017 was heralded with promises of unparalleled economic prosperity, transparent governance, and a renaissance of public trust. However, as the years have unfolded, the sheen of these lofty pledges has dulled, revealing a stark reality marred by mismanagement, ineptitude, incompetence, nepotism, unbridled corruption, and a pervasive arrogance that defies


This article delves into the murky depths of the NPP's tenure, exposing the

rampant deceit and systemic failures that have not only betrayed the trust of the Ghanaian people but have also undermined the very foundations of the nation's democracy.

As citizens, it is crucial to recognize these issues and remain vigilant against the deception that threatens our nation's prosperity.

Economic Mismanagement, Cluelessness, and Ineptitude:

One of the most glaring issues under the NPP government has been the severe economic downturn. Despite promises of economic stability and growth, the country has faced rising inflation, increased public debt, and a declining currency value. The NPP's economic policies have woefully failed to deliver the promised results, leaving many Ghanaians struggling to make ends meet. The high inflation rates have eroded the purchasing power of citizens.

In a bid to manage the unsustainable debt levels, the NPP government initiated a Domestic Debt Exchange Program (DDEP), which involved "haircuts or reductions in the value of pensioners" funds and government bond holdings, causing significant losses to investors and retirees.

Pensioners, who rely on these funds for their livelihood, have been particularly hard hit by the debt restructuring measures, sending some retirees to their early graves. Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s policies and oversight have contributed to the current financial distress, casting doubt on his competence and economic Wizkid status.

In the face of unprecedented revenue inflows and substantial multi-million-dollar support from international organizations and development partners, the NPP government has driven the Ghanaian economy into a state of disarray. This administration has demonstrated a shocking level of ineptitude and gross mismanagement, squandering opportunities that could have propelled our nation to new heights.

Instead, they have bled the country dry, acting as political vampires who feed on the lifeblood of Ghana's prosperity. Their failure to harness the resources

at their disposal for the benefit of the people is a stark betrayal of the public trust. The Ghanaian economy, once brimming with potential, now teeters on the brink, plagued by incompetence and fiscal irresponsibility.

It is time for a change in leadership, one that prioritizes the welfare of the

citizens over personal gain and is committed to restoring the economic health of our beloved nation.

Corruption and Deception:

Corruption has been a significant issue under the NPP administration led by President Nana Akufo-Addo and Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia. Corruption has become the new normal, and President Akufo-Addo has validly earned the name "clearing agent," as he has often taken steps to shield his appointees from wrongdoing, thorough investigations, or consequences, regardless of the evidence or public outcry.

Numerous high-profile corruption cases have emerged, involving high-ranking officials and the misuse of public funds. Here are a few of the most notable ones:

PDS Scandal: The Power Distribution Services (PDS) deal involved the fraudulent transfer of assets and operations of the Electricity Company of Ghana to PDS. It was later revealed that the insurance guarantee provided by PDS to secure the transaction was fraudulent.

Agyapa Royalties Deal: This involved the planned monetization of Ghana's future gold royalties through a special purpose vehicle, Agyapa Royalties Limited. The deal faced criticism for lack of transparency and potential conflicts of interest, leading to its suspension following public outcry and parliamentary investigation.

KelniGVG Contract: The government awarded a $178 million contract to KelniGVG for the provision of telecommunications traffic monitoring services. This deal was heavily criticized for its high cost and lack of competitive bidding, raising questions about value for money and potential corruption.

Australia Visa Scandal: During the 2018 Commonwealth Games, several Ghanaian officials were implicated in a visa fraud scheme, which led to the suspension and subsequent resignation of key government officials involved.

Daniel Domelevo's Forced Retirement: The Auditor General, Daniel Domelevo, was forcibly retired under contentious circumstances. Domelevo was known for his anti-corruption stance and had uncovered several cases of financial mismanagement within the government. His removal was widely seen as a move to stifle accountability.

Luxury Jet Hire: President Akufo-Addo faced backlash for hiring a luxury private jet for international travel, reportedly costing the state $17,000 per hour. This was deemed extravagant and unnecessary, especially given the economic challenges facing the country.

Sputnik V Vaccine Procurement: The Ministry of Health came under scrutiny for procuring Sputnik V vaccines at inflated prices without parliamentary approval. This led to a parliamentary investigation, which confirmed the overpayment and lack of due process.

Missing Funds in Various Ministries: Numerous instances of financial mismanagement and corruption have been reported across various ministries, including the Ministry of Finance, which allegedly paid over $1 million to Kroll Associates for no work done, and the Ministry of Tourism, which blew $14 million on questionable capacity-building projects.

Others include the 5G network license, the SML deal, the Pwalugu dam scandal, Frontier Health, missing excavators and tricycles, BOST-contaminated oil, and many others. These acts of corruption not only undermine the integrity of the government but also erode public trust. The lack of transparency and accountability has allowed corrupt practices to flourish, further exacerbating the economic challenges faced by the country.

The NPP's deception is evident in its failure to take responsibility for the economic mess it has created. Instead of acknowledging their shortcomings, party officials often deflect blame and make excuses. This refusal to accept responsibility is a clear indication of their disregard for the intelligence and concerns of Ghanaians. By treating the populace as gullible and weak-minded,

The NPP continues to undermine the democratic principles that should guide our nation's governance.

Arrogance and Disregard for Public Opinion:

The arrogance of the NPP is palpable in their interactions with the public. Instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue and listening to the concerns of Ghanaians, the party often dismisses criticism and operates with a sense of entitlement. This arrogance is not only disrespectful but also counterproductive to the democratic process. A government that refuses to listen to its

people cannot effectively address their needs and aspirations.


In conclusion, the NPP's tenure has been characterized by a profound betrayal of the Ghanaian people's trust, marked by economic mismanagement, pervasive corruption, and an arrogance that disregards public opinion. The promises of unparalleled prosperity and transparent governance have proven to be nothing more than a facade, concealing the reality of systemic failures and deceit. It is incumbent upon us, the citizens of Ghana, to remain vigilant and resolute in our demand for accountability and integrity in leadership.

Our nation's future hinges on our collective ability to discern truth from deception and to champion a government that genuinely prioritizes the welfare of its people. The great deception of the NPP must not be allowed to perpetuate. The time for change is now, and it is through our unwavering commitment to justice and good governance that we can reclaim the prosperity and dignity that

Ghana rightfully deserves.

Let us rise together to safeguard the democratic principles that underpin our society and to ensure a brighter, more equitable future for generations to come.

Columnist: Cletus Siebune