
The lust for power will ruin you

NDC3 Cape Coast Campaign File Photo

Tue, 29 Aug 2017 Source: Nyamekye Isaac

Democracy coupled with media liberalization have paved way for all sorts of ugly noises in the geopolitics of our country. With Ghana setting the pace for other countries to follow, I have always believed that we must be circumspect in whatever we do in the governance spectrum.

The vulgar political communication style adopted by some opposition elements in this current dispensation is reaching a crescendo, the shitty crappy talk and unnecessary national bifurcation have no place in 21st century politics. Opposition parties are there for a purpose and not what we see today, Ghanaians must start showing some serious interest not only in the party in government but the opposition parties as well.

This has been my conviction in past seven months of the Kofi Portophe led opposition in Ghana. I believe the fortitude of a nation's democracy and development lies not only in organizing successful elections and liberalizing the media landscape but how resonant the opposition political parties operates to help achieve national development, but regrettably it is not so in Ghana.

To majority of enlightened Ghanaians, our democratic and socioeconomic aspirations is not hinged solely on the actions and inactions of the government in power but how poor and deceptive opposition parties can be. Opposition parties are obliged per accepted conventions world over to offer constructive criticisms and alternate policy direction to put governments on their toes but the opposite is true in the Ghanaian context, opposition parties in Ghana have been reduced to a mere assemblage of alarmist and vessels for propaganda haulage.

The civic responsibility which right thinking Ghanaians demand from credible opposition has been replaced with vituperations, character assassinations, invectives and pure lies, this cannot be progress. We've been in this country where an NPP led opposition offered genuine advice on a number policy issues in the last 8 years of the NDC government which were roundly ignored, these included but not limited to the following: the infamous $ 3 billion CDB loan facility, one time premium on NHIS, the 419 hope city project, the prediction of Ghana going for IMF bailout, the advice that "Dumsor" was a financial problem and not technical and many others which fell on deaf ears came to pass in the end.

Today the story is different, although politicians have a trade to ply in search for political power but they should be decorous and truthful in whatever they do. Opposition in Ghana is next to zero given the lack of a formidable front with well thought out policy alternative from their side. We have a barrage of uncoordinated members of the opposition who sits on the fence and throw tantrums onto the arena just because of their lust for power, a power they grossly abuse and rape when they get. Ghanaian citizens expect an opposition who know their stuff devoid of pettiness, cheap propaganda and blackmail. We expected an opposition that would be defined by principles and ideology and not jumping on anything at all for political capital sake.

In this age and time I think it's glaring if the NDC is not aware that the communist inferior tactics cannot and will not win elections in this country again, "keep the populace poor, induce them with stolen money during election" was buried in 2012, never again!! Will a bunch of corrupt young men be entrusted to rule again? Ghanaians have awoken from their slumber and hopefully discerning politicians who genuinely want to serve may have to learn their lessons.

What is NDC's beef blissful governance we are enjoying today? Do they have a locus at all? What about morals? Or because the Nana Addo led government is not on a persecution spree of corrupt former officials that make you think you are sacrosanct? Once we had a government whose draconian policies and programmes in 8 years almost extinct all economic activities as a human reality with disastrously disastrous corrupt scandals ever in the history of our country and yet stooges and bootlickers of this defunct government has the gravitas to shamelessly cook nonexistent scandals just to tarnish the image of a 7 month old who is growing the economy at 6.6% for the first quarter of 2017 as against 3.5% of Mahama infested retardation at the end 2016.

Due to prudence and unnecessary expenditures, budget deficit for the first half of 2017 was 2.7% as against 9.3% at the end of 2016, debt to GDP ratio has dropped from 73.1% as at December 2016 to 70.1% at the end of June, 2017. Interest rates are responding positively to the reduction in policy rate from 25% to 21% by the Bank of Ghana e.g. 91 days Treasury bill rate has dropped from 16.4% as at December 2016 to 12.08% in the first half of 2017. Our international reserves have soared from 2.8 months of import cover in 2016 to 3.4 months of import cover in 2017.

As for inflation I need to educate our NDC friends before I tell you the figures. Inflation is not equal to deflation as some 2/4 statisticians in NDC wants us to believe, if inflation reduces it only reduce the degree of general price increment of goods and services. It does not reduce the price of goods oooooo tom!!!! But when deflation sets in as we have in other jurisdictions price of good and services also begin decrease by that degree as well. So as far as we have a positive figure for inflation price will not be reduced it only slows price hikes. Now as at 31st December 2016 with Mahama and his corrupt ministers inflation was 15.4% but today, July figures shows an impressive drop to 12.1% in 7 months.

All these coupled with an unprecedented programmes such as 1district one factory, planting for food and jobs, free SHS, digital addressing system, national identification card, paperless port etc. gives me and all levelheaded people hope that our country will be out of the woods soon.............

To be continued

Columnist: Nyamekye Isaac