
The most incompetent DCE and Parliamentary candidate

Thu, 20 Sep 2012 Source: Young Democrats

,,,,, of NDC in Sissala East


My Brothers and Sisters, Fellow countrymen and women, the NDC is a party many were proud to die for. Can we say so under the prevailing political climate that we are witness in our District? These are defining moments for the party and as we find ourselves at the crossroads let us use this General Election 2012 to get back to the noble principles and values that have always distinguished us from other political traditions.

I and many Young democrats are very sad and disappointed about the manner in which our party delegates misconduct themselves and elected this naïve, villainous, bias and the most incompetent DCE in Ghana who can’t address any developmental project in the district to be the parliamentary candidate of our dear NDC party. In fact her attitude, libido for men and incompetency is unprecedented and such a woman can’t be trusted with the public not alone to talk about her being able to transform our district. I and many young democrats don’t even know the qualities she poses to be our DCE up to date. The stage has been set now; for all well meaningful NDC members, young democrats to demonstrate our mandate and loyalty ability by first uniting the NDC party which will intend deliver victory to President John Mahama come 2012 general election BUT will never make a mistake to let parliament embody by us with an incompetent Alijata Sulemani. It is crucial for us to reaffirm the party’s values and commitments, to hold them up against hard reality and to truly assess what legacy we are bestowing to the next generations so Alijata Sulemani will be a disgrace to the party should she become an MP. Though all greedybastards, stomach politicians and bias people in our party who has not got the district development at heart will misjudges me, it is no business of mine; but that I should possess my soul in Purity and Love, that is all my business to see to it that our dear party is save in the hands of incompetent people like Alijata Sulemani and many other. In as much as we young democrats are concern we will see to it that the district is represent by a competent person in parliament who can equally work with our party to lobby for developmental projects to the district. There shall be no end to strife until men cease to justify themselves. He who would have wars cease let him cease to defend any party - let him cease to defend himself. Not by strife can peace come, but by ceasing from strife. The glory of Cesar resides in the resistance of his enemies. They resist and fall. Give to Cesar that which Cesar demands, and Cesar’s glory and power are gone. Thus, by submission does the meek man conquer the strong man: but it is not that outward show of submission which is slavery, it is that inward and spiritual submission which is freedom. I and many Young Democrats will work assiduously to the satisfaction of our party by ensuring President John Manama is voted for and also to see to it that no habit or quality is more easily acquired than hypocrisy, nor any thing sooner learned than to deny the sentiments of our hearts and the principle we act from: but the seeds of every passion are innate to us, and nobody comes into the world without them. Claiming no rights, the meek man (Justice Ali) is not troubled with self-defence and self-justification; i lives in love, and therefore comes under the immediate and vital protection of the Great Love which is the Eternal Law of the universe to strengthen our party for the sake of development in our District. I neither claim nor seek my own; thus do all things come to me, and all the universe shields and protects me. I humbly rest my case but there will be a young democrats meeting in the district as soon as possible.

Columnist: Young Democrats