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The negative effects of smartphones at work

A group of people using phones at their workplace

Thu, 29 Jun 2023 Source: Kelvin Akrong

I have always envisioned a life devoid of the omnipresence of technology or smartphones. Imagine a world where face-to-face conversations thrive, home visits are common, and homemade meals take primacy over online orders. Moreover, imagine a society where personal interactions are prioritized over digital communication for arranging dates. Do you not think such a life would be preferable?

However, it is undeniable that technology has had a significant impact on individuals and the world as a whole, fencing in both positive and negative aspects. Therefore, I would like to shed light on the drawbacks of smartphone usage in the workplace.

Social media is frequently a source of excitement, particularly due to the abundance of trolling, memes, and amusing videos, just to name a few. Occasionally, we find ourselves tempted to sneak a peek at our phones during work hours to stay updated on the latest trends. All of these elements contribute to the joy and happiness that fills our hearts.

The utilisation of smartphones during work can diminish one's effectiveness and efficiency. As an employee, your primary responsibility is to fulfil your duties within a specified timeframe to help the organization achieve its objectives. Engaging in social media scrolling or browsing while work is in progress interrupts productivity and undermines the pursuit of organizational goals.

Moreover, operating smartphones at work reduces attention span. Attention span refers to the amount of time a person can focus on a particular task or activity without getting distracted. Smartphones can reduce attention span by providing distractions such as social media notifications, text messages, and emails. This can result in an inability to focus on important work tasks.

Additionally, fidgeting with smartphones during working hours ameliorates face-to-face communication at work. Many individuals prefer to interact through online platforms, which hampers socialization among employees. Consequently, one may even remain unaware of their colleagues' names within the department or organization, due to limited personal interactions.

Furthermore, excessive smartphone usage during working hours may potentially lead to job loss. In organizations where personal goals take importance over organizational objectives, it becomes essential to find a suitable replacement to ensure the advancement of the organization's goals. Prioritising the collective interests of the organization is crucial for its growth and success.

Nevertheless, all these challenges can be addressed effectively. Establishing purpose-driven goals acts as a remedy to mitigate the situation. It is essential to prioritize the needs of the organization, which can be lessened by switching off phones or disabling notifications during working hours to minimize distractions. Also, fostering more social interaction with colleagues and engaging in meaningful conversations can contribute to a healthier work environment. By implementing these measures, the negative impact of excessive smartphone usage can be significantly reduced.

The use of technology and smartphones has the power to redefine us. Instead of being passive agents manipulated by our phones, let us recycle our roles as active subjects.

Columnist: Kelvin Akrong