
The plight of LGBT in Ghana

LGBTQI File photo

Tue, 14 Feb 2023 Source: Alhassan Iddrisu

Across the globe, the LGBTQ community has always been met with violence and discrimination in our societies. It is a fact that these people are on daily bases subjected to physical abuse and in most instances tortured and killed.

To make matters worse for them as we are witnessing in many countries is a deliberate attempt to pass legislation that discriminates against their activities hence exposing them to more violence. Ghana for instance is one of the countries in this category.

The retention of section 104(1)(b) of the 1992 constitution which is seen as an anti-gay law is obviously a state approval to expose the LGBTQ community to violence and discrimination. On numerous occasions, people in positions who are expected to propagate the right of these individuals are unfortunately the ones calling for the criminalization of their activities.

In January 2021 after the inauguration of the country's first LGBTQ community center, it was closed down by the police around February the same year after there was a protest by some sections of Ghanaians against the inauguration. The leader of the LGBTQ, Mr. Alex Kofi Donkor was reported to have said that the rate at which anti-gay hateful reactions are increasing at an alarming rate makes him fear for his colleague’s safety.

In June 2016, some women were arrested and detained at a football camp on a suspicion of being lesbians and were subsequently disowned by their families after they were released.

I will always use myself as an example to indicate how these individuals suffer at the hands of some sections of our community. I have physically been attacked and tortured because of my association with them. There are instances where my relatives are ridiculed and some cases subjected to abuse because of me.

Another biggest challenge for the LGBTQ has to do with the issue of stigmatization which has a significant negative impact on their wellbeing.

Again, when it comes to opportunities in the various sectors of the economy, they continue to face challenges in accessing them. They have limited opportunities. Currently, the issue of homosexuality remains a very sentimental issue in Ghana because of moral, cultural and religious reasons (Anarfi & Gyasi Gyamera &,2014; Gyasi Gyamerah & Akotia, 2016).

If we truly want to grow as a society, we must be seen protecting the right of individuals, especially the minority even when we do not agree with their choices. We must as people accept individuals regardless of their sexual preferences.

I will make a passionate appeal to people in authority to desist from passing commentary that exposes the LGBTQ to danger. The state should support the various civil societies that are championing the course of the LGBT community.

All law enforcement agencies should pay much attention to protecting the right of these individuals and also make it possible for them to approach them whenever they need their services. There should be a conscious effort from the state to sensitize the citizenry on the need to respect individual’s right

Columnist: Alhassan Iddrisu