There are over six political parties in Ghana
In recent times, the politics of ideology and founding principles have been the talking point in our country following the commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Dr. K.A Busia, Ghana's Prime Minister in the Second Republic and a co-founder of the political tradition from which the NPP is rooted. The debate has largely been between the two major political parties, NPP Vs NDC and somewhat the CPP for whatever it is worth.
As a 'political animal' myself, I find this waging debate, even if it is for academic exercise, rather unmeritorious and a non-starter. Why would anybody attempt to compare the NPP's rich tradition and founding principles with any other in the country? This debate is tantamount to arguing whether or not the John Mahama-led NDC was in a comfortable lead at the end of the 2016 general elections. Only onaapo minds and the political ignoramus will engage in such exercise.
We all know that when the mention of NPP ideology and founding principle is made, what comes to mind is the UGCC tradition, the first political movement that engineered the unwavering social agitation that led to Ghana's independence); what comes to mind is the UP tradition, which set the pace for a strong parliament and a democratic Ghana; what comes to mind is the principle of Rule of Law, respect for human right, capitalism property owning democracy, conservatism, collectivism, accountability, private property, patriotism, civil liberty, good governance, liberal society and other center-right philosophies.
As John Boadu put it, the NPP was NOT founded or built around individuals but on strong founding principles which have stood the test of time surviving even the most tumultuous moments in all Republics (the First, Second, Third and the Fourth Republic) making the NPP the most endearing party in Ghana's history. In contrast, the CPP which we all know was founded around Nkrumah, ended up dying with Nkrumah. However, the UP/NPP tradition did not die with the J.B Danquahs, the Busias or the Dombos, ostensibly because the tradition was founded on principles and strong ideologies.
So, the million dollar question to ask is, what comes to mind when the mention of NDC tradition is made? Can you help out? What comes to my mind is AFRC/PNDC (the embodiment of coup and lawlessness in our democratic evolution); they claim their founding principle is social justice through social interventions, yet, they've not been able to successfully implement even a single social intervention programme since the party was founded, unlike the NPP that has not less than 38 social intervention programmes to its credit.
Sometimes our NDC friends tell us that their party was founded on the RAWLINGS PRINCIPLE... For God's sake, what animal too is that? The same Rawlings they call a barking dog? The same Rawlings they call a devil? The same Rawlings that called for the democratization of violence in the late 1980s? The same Rawlings that said Freedom of Speech must come with Freedom of Assassination?
My fellow countrymen and women, we certainly should not be seen supporting a political party that has no tradition and founding principles. I just cannot support a party that does not know what it stands for. Rather, I will support a political party that has the testicular fortitude and wherewithal to suspend its erring National Chairman and General Secretary for breaching the party's tradition and founding principle of Rule of Law. I will support a political party that has a rich tradition and uncompromising founding principles. To this end, I support the NPP and I call on you to do same because PRINCIPLE is what separates us from them. PRINCIPLE is what makes us men; real MEN!!!