
The power of entrepreneurship: Why learning a skill is essential in today's world

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Thu, 14 Mar 2024 Source: Aaron Babako Korkormissah

In today's fast-paced and competitive world, the traditional path of getting a degree and working for a company for the rest of your life is no longer the only option. Entrepreneurship has become a viable and attractive alternative for many individuals looking to take control of their own destiny.

However, to succeed as entrepreneurs, we must learn to acquire skills, and we should not think that having acquired degrees is enough. We are in an age where if you don't have a skill, you are not part of it, so I will admonish everyone to learn at least a skill aside from academic qualification.

The importance of learning a skill:

Learning a skill is not only beneficial for those who may not excel academically. In fact, acquiring a skill can open up a world of opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds. Whether you are a high school graduate or a college dropout, having a skill can give you the confidence and ability to start your own business and become a successful entrepreneur. We should not think that learning a skill is only meant for those who are academically weak or drop out—those who cannot read or write. It is rather unfortunate that, in our part of the world, government socio-economic policies do not create enough business opportunities to encourage young adults to start something economically or learn a trade.

Government support for small businesses:

To foster a culture of entrepreneurship and skill acquisition, the government should play a more active role in supporting small businesses and firms that are into skills development. By providing incentives, grants, and resources to these budding entrepreneurs, the government can help create a more conducive environment for growth and innovation. Supporting infant industries is crucial for economic development and job creation, and the government should give enough opportunities to small businesses or firms that have the skills to do more.


In conclusion, entrepreneurship is a powerful tool for individuals to create their own opportunities and build a successful career. By learning a skill and taking the leap into entrepreneurship, you can unlock your full potential and achieve your dreams. It is time for us to embrace the power of entrepreneurship and take control of our destinies. Let's work together to create a brighter future for ourselves and our communities.

Columnist: Aaron Babako Korkormissah